Fact 10: Egyptians invented the 365 days calendar. Kumbi Saleh, the capital of Ancient Ghana, prospered from 300 to 1240 AD. Here are two below. 40 Interesting Football Facts Football is the world’s most popular game which combines strength, speed, and skills. When a king died they were buried with everything they would normally need in life like furniture, gold and food. Why yes, actually! Even if you are a hardcore fan of Football, there may still be many things that you don’t know about this amazing sport. And when we start debunking those myths and getting to the truth, we realize that there are mountains of Ancient Egypt facts that will positively astound us all. 1-5 Ancient Greece Facts 1. Egypt, officially known as Arab Republic of Egypt is a country located at north African. Egyptian's believed that the earth was flat and round (like a pancake) and that the river Nile flowed through the centre of it. Facts about Ancient Egyptian Medicine 7: the ancient Egyptian practice. Amazing Facts You Didn't Know About Ancient Egypt! They're not pigs. Facts about Ancient Egypt. It was a massive civilization that existed for thousands of years, utterly transforming the basic tenets of human civilization and influencing almost every people that has come about since. Sexual relations, smoking, and anything indecent or excessive are also prohibited. [6] The first pharaoh of Egypt is considered to be King Menes, who united the Upper and Lower Kingdoms in 3150 B.C. Fact 9: The official name of Egypt is Arab Republic of Egypt. Doing a project on Ancient Egypt, or just want to find out more? Even though archeologists and anthropologists know a lot about ancient Egypt today, there is still a lot to know about the pyramids and the Egyptian pharaohs. 18 Funny DIY … Things that make me like it even more. Given their nature, these posts are research-based and even though a lot of time has gone into them, it's still possible a mistake has snuck in. Ancient Egypt was a fascinating time in History. What do you know about Egypt? Enjoy our range of interesting Ancient Egyptian pyramid facts for kids. That said, here are just a few interesting facts about Egypt, that will make you want to come visit for yourself. Many dreams about visiting the Pyramids of Egypt, but there’s more than Pyramids to explore and see. Egyptian Pyramid Facts. Fact 6: The pyramids of Egypt are the last remaining ancient wonder of the world. Facts about Ancient Egyptian Medicine 8: Respiratory problems There were many great Pharaohs throughout the history of Ancient Egypt. Doing a project on Ancient Egypt, or just want to find out more? 1. We’ve got everything you need to know right here, plus some super fun facts. Facts about Ancient Egypt Mummies 9: the god of mummification. They're not from Guinea. 1. In Egypt, both men and women wore eye make-up called kohl, which was made from ground-up raw material mixed with oil. By Karin Lehnardt, Senior Writer. And when we start debunking those myths and getting to the truth, we realize that there are mountains of Ancient Egypt facts that will positively astound us all. FUNNY DIY IDEAS FOR YOUR PRANKS || Friends Prank Wars by TickTock Studio Girl DIY! This grave predates early Egyptian art depicting cats by 4,000 years or more. Egypt has earned a spot in my heart, a place not reserved for many places. Ancient Egyptians believed … 10 Amazing, Fun & Interesting Facts About Egypt. 40 Interesting Guinea Pigs Facts. Then read on for some interesting facts about Ancient Egypt. Here are some of the more famous ones: Akhenaten - Akhenaten was famous for saying there was only one god, the sun god. According to the Hebrew Bible, he was adopted by an Egyptian princess, and later in life became the leader of the Israelites and lawgiver, to whom the authorship of the Torah, or acquisition of the Torah from Heaven is traditionally attributed. Ancient Egypt Facts For Kids. The head of this god was jackal, while the body was human. Here are 40 interesting Ancient Greece facts. The main job of Anubis was to assist the dead body so that it could be received by Osiris. Get facts about ancient Egypt gods here. (Clicking on them takes you to Amazon. Facts about Ancient Egypt Mummies 10: Canopic Jars You can find them wherever books are sold. Africa Facts By 250 BC, the foundations of Western side Africa’s oldest cities were established such as Old Djenné in Mali. With a civilization as old and mysterious as Ancient Egypt, it's easy for most of us to hold onto a lot of misconceptions. Get facts about ancient Egypt civilization here. Thanks for asking :D I've written both an exciting middle grade adventure called Mystery of the Egyptian Mummy, and several non-fiction fact books that are full of fun trivia and pictures. Kumbi Saleh, the capital of Ancient Ghana, prospered from 300 to 1240 AD. In the month before the ancient Olympics, no wars were permitted so that spectators could travel from across Greece unharmed. Africa Facts By 250 BC, the foundations of Western side Africa’s oldest cities were established such as Old Djenné in Mali.