Physical. I think cricket is great because it's all-inclusive, and anyone can play it. I wouldn't hesitate to bring my young son to a cricket game - but the … Like most sports, cricket helps you to develop muscles and burn calories while improving your coordination and stamina. It helps our body to be more active and efficient. But he didn’t think it would be fun and worth it. Cricket can be played both socially and competitively, by males and females of all ages. Going to a cricket game is also a social event in which the entire family can be involved. To play competitively, consider joining a local club. You only need a couple of friends, a bat, a ball and something that represents wickets. A physically active game, cricket requires pitching the ball, hitting the ball with the long, flat bat, sprinting from wicket to wicket and throwing and catching in the field. That being said, I really appreciate you talking about this and letting me know some of the health benefits that come from playing cricket. People meet each other through cricket clubs, and many social functions (such as lunches and parties) are organized around the game. Cricket improves speed, agility, flexibility and reflexes; it increases concentration, the ability to think strategically and to utilize decision-making skills. Playing sports is all related to performing an exercise on a day to day life. Top 7 Benefits of playing cricket or sports but must know an accurate way to play it. While competitive cricket is mostly played on a field, cricket just for fun can be played in backyards, parks, streets or on the beach. Benefits of Cricket Cricket, the world’s second most popular spectator sport, can provide a fun way for children of all ages to stay or get in shape. Some of my son’s friends play cricket and they invited him to play. It also builds a sense of community. Benefiting is weight, decrease the stress level What are the benefits of playing cricket or sports?