american chestnut trees for sale

american chestnut trees for sale

Wiped out by blight in the early 20th century, resistant hybrids of the American chestnut tree are making a comeback. The American chestnut (Castanea dentata) is a large, monoecious deciduous tree of the beech family native to eastern North America. Our order form has every type of chestnut tree we propagate. Our member chestnut orchards cover over 100 acres and have been supplying their customers with fresh culinary chestnuts … European & American chestnuts & their hybrids are potentially large spreading shade trees when grown in the open, although most orchard planting spaces are at 25 foot intervals. Virtually destroyed by a bark fungus from the Orient in the early 1900’s, it was one of the largest ecological disasters in American history. (Castanea dentata) While most chestnut trees found in the Northwest are of European origin, there are some American chestnuts as well and these represent the largest specimens left of this species in the nation. Pollen producer. In the spring, its blossoms were so pretty and in the fall, we harvested the nuts for our Christmas gifts to our neighbors. American Chestnut Tree Featured in TEDx Talk At a TEDx Talk in Youngstown, OH this past September, KY-TACF Chapter member Rex Mann, shared his moving story about the American chestnut tree. Dunstan Chestnut Trees for Sale Online. These trees were developed by crossing American with Chinese, similar to the way Dunstan Chestnut trees were developed. Cold Stream Farm can provide you with wholesale Chestnut trees for sale if you’re looking to add some to your land. The American chestnut was virtually obliterated back East in its native range by the chestnut blight. They each have their own set of unique characteristics that set them apart. Denser spacing of up to 12 ft. will produce fine timber. By planting the Dunstan Chestnut from Chestnut Hill Nursery, you are helping to replenish the ecosystem of this once magnificent forest. The American Chestnut was a very important tree for wildlife, providing much of the fall mast for species such as White-tailed Deer and Wild Turkey and, formerly, the Passenger Pigeon. We have hybrid chestnut trees that genetically drop every month from August to November. For those who know trees, the American Chestnut was a legend. The chestnut seedling from the American Chestnut tree is easy to sprout and to grow your own trees from the seed. Watch it and share with your friends! Castanea dentata is the accepted botanical name for these trees, so as to distinguish them from the Chinese-American cross (Castanea mollissima x dentata) and the other, smaller American chestnut (Castanea pumila), which ArcheWild also grows. It was the most important food and timber trees in the Eastern United States. $29.00/tree Seedling of European Chestnut $9.00/tree Seedling of American Chestnut $9.50/tree We have more chestnut tree cultivars available. Willis Orchard Company has deciduous nut bearing chestnut trees for sale that require a partner for pollination. Chestnuts are majestic trees which live hundreds of years and each produces hundreds of pounds of nuts each year. The blight is caused by an Asian bark fungus accidentally introduced into North America on imported Asiatic chestnut trees. The fungus Cryphonectria parasitica appeared suddenly on the trees, which almost certainly was brought by humans on chestnuts imported from Eurasia. It … This tree was very common before blight wiped out most of them in the early 1900's. 75 years ago, almost every American Chestnut tree in the country was wiped out by a foreign fungal disease. Chestnut wood is an excellent, attractive & rot resistant hardwood. It was the most important food and timber trees in the Eastern United States. Prohibited to AZ. Within a few decades, an estimated four billion chestnut trees died in the forest. With this latest hybrid, unofficially dubbed the “Restoration” chestnut, breeders feel they have a tree with enough of the Chinese chestnut’s natural blight resistance to have a shot at surviving; but also a tree that is virtually indistinguishable in form, growth rate, and wood quality from a pure American chestnut. At least two American Chestnuts planted no more than 200' apart are required for producing chestnuts. The first known plantings of chesnuts was discovered around 2000 BC. A Chestnut tree grew in our yard years ago. For those who know trees, the American Chestnut was a legend. Virtually destroyed by a bark fungus from the Orient in the early 1900’s, it was one of the largest ecological disasters in American history. Once an important hardwood timber tree, nearly 4 billion American Chestnut trees were nearly wiped out between 1900 and 1940. "It was a very important tree to our history, to the economy in the past," said SUNY ESF professor William Powell, co-founder of the American Chestnut Research and Restoration Project.