It sounds like such a cool idea to have a hyena as a pet. I was pleasantly surprised to read your info about cheetah pets. Here at Hyena Central I get a lot of visitors looking for information on how to keep a hyena as a pet. Wild animals are different from domestic, they have natural instincts and … However, there are many African people who have learned to live peacefully amongst the hyenas, and even keeping some as pets. Pros and Cons of Keeping Wild Animals as Pets. Captive Hyenas are just as dangerous as Hyenas that are in the wild. In ancient Egypt, spotted hyenas were raised and harvested for their meat, occasionally being kept as rather large and messy pets. Why this arrangement? This makes them a threat to even the most fearsome and deadly animals. In some countries dangerous wild animals and some dog breeds are banned. Yes, the famed Hyena Men of Africa walk around with them on chains, but they … There are four members of the Hyaenidae family: the striped hyena, the “giggly” spotted hyena, the brown hyena, and the aardwolf (it's a hyena, not a wolf). Instead, they are so unique that they have a family all their own, Hyaenidae. Although they normally do not attack people, they will if they perceive the human as hurt, sick or incapacitated. Reports of hyenas being domesticated have been circulated by the African Wildlife Foundation, Animal Planet, and the BBC-- among other sources blatantly plagiarizing one source or the other. Too bad hyenas are dangerous animals, and wouldn't make good pets. Like in Africa where you can have a hyena or a baboon or maybe a python as a pet. Hyenas, through the use of their special ability [Tendon Rip], increases damage taken from bleed effects by 30% for 15 sec.This is great in a PvE setting when [Mangle], [Hemorrhage], or [Blood Frenzy] is not present. Hyena as a pet... - posted in General Discussion: I was really surprised to see these people have hyenas as pets, but then it hit me that hyenas are dogs and that they must have something in common, but judging by the muzzles on their mouths they aren't friendly to … Neither make good pets, in fact they're both incredibly dangerous to keep as a pet. In some other places they have probably never heard about those rules. Their ability to coordinate hunts enables them to easily capture and kill their prey. Nobody is really sure, but the hyena is a very successful species that has adapted to many situations over thousands of years. Hyenas are dangerous because they are aggressive, have very powerful jaws, and travel in packs. No dogs here!Hyenas are not members of the dog or cat families.. Like in Africa where you can have a hyena or a baboon or maybe a python as a pet. Hyenas are a family of Ferocity pets and are tamable by a Hunter starting at level 12. And for good reason! Even the Association of Zoos and Aquariums agrees.