Sand Boas for Sale in the United States. Kenyan Sand Boa – With its relatively bright colored scales, this species looks a bit like an overripe banana! The male Kenyan sand boa may have to dig the female out of the sand before mating can occur. Their docile nature and small size make them easy to care for. Photo about The Kenyan sand boa (Gongylophis colubrinus) is a fossorial snake species found from Egypt down into East Africa. Awesome Baby Snow Kenyan Sand Boas for sale at the lowest prices only at Underground Reptiles. Reptile Apartment: Kenyan Sand Boas. Looking for a Kenyan Sand Boa for sale at a competitive price? In the wild, Kenyan sand boas eat nestlings, small lizards and rodents such as the naked mole rat. Are Kenyan sand boas venomous? The Kenyan sand boa typically hunts by lying in wait under sand and ambushing passing prey. The Indian Sand Boa (Eryx johnii johnii) is a “boa” in name only…in lifestyle and appearance it is in a class all its own.Being the largest and most docile of the world’s 12 sand boas, this fascinating snake is much sought after by reptile enthusiasts. Create New Post Matthew Bailey. Buy & Sell Sand Boas. The difference between males and females is quite easy to see. Kenyan Sand Boas (Gongylophis colubrinus) is one of the most popular Boa species in the pet trade. Kenyan Sand Boas are attractive snakes with orange patches on a brown background. Todd Cornwell talks about how he got into keeping Kenyan sand boas and gives us some information on their husbandry. Rosy Boas are not venomous. ARE SAND BOAS VENOMOUS? Their docile nature and small size make them easy to care for. Every picture I see with a comparison makes me change my mind again. Our sand boas are all captively bred and born and feeding at the time of purchase. – Most Docile Snake. He formed the Reptile Collective. You can feed your Kenyan sand boa small mice. Crocodilians. Albino and anerythristic Kenyan Sand Boas are available for sale. Kenyan sand boas are popular snakes for beginners. ... Venomous. They love eating mice, they feed every 5-6 days depending on their last feed size. I've been looking at pictures to try tail sexing, but I have no idea. Although their name may suggest that they come strictly from Kenya, they originate from areas of Northeast Africa and inhabit countries such as Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Kenya. The Kenyan Sand Boa are constrictors and do not use venom to kill their prey. Try browsing the Other Boas Index if you're looking for something specific. Although their name may suggest that they come strictly from Kenya, they originate from areas of Northeast Africa and inhabit countries such as Egypt, Somalia, Sudan, Tanzania, and Kenya. Besides boas, we offer a vast selection of reptile pets for sale, too! Venomous Spiders/Inverts. It has also been reported from the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen. The Indian Sand Boa (Eryx johnii johnii) is a “boa” in name only…in lifestyle and appearance it is in a class all its own.Being the largest and most docile of the world’s 12 sand boas, this fascinating snake is much sought after by reptile enthusiasts. Kenyan sand boas are popular snakes for beginners. You can add either sand, paper or aspen substrate. Steve has been involved in the reptile industry since 1990 and has successfully bred a wide range of reptile species including; boas, pythons, colubrids, venomous, geckos, turtles, tarantulas and crocodilians.