Reply. NIROJ KUMAR PADHAN. The female, to my surprise, has turned out to be a decent layer as well. And, I can affirmatively state that the good press that duck eggs get for baked products is WELL deserved! Rouen Ducks November 30, 2018: The Rouen has gone by a few contested names. Rouen Ducks are an attractive breed of waterfowl name of the French city where they originated. The Rouen has a nice sized body as her goal was to create a duck breed that would lay a great number of eggs and have a large body for good meat. Rouen duck is quite a plump, imposing but stately bird. OUR DUCKS. We have raised a number of different duck breeds. They are great egg layers at about 140-180 eggs per year. The breed is relatively quiet and very easy to tame. Our utility Rouens are bought for many purposes. This is a close second favorite breed of duck next to the Pekin They … Indian Runner ducks are known to be very good egg layers. Rouens are about three times the size of a wild Mallard and can weigh between 8 and 10 pounds at maturity. White Egg Layers Game Birds. Rouen ducks are not great egg layers- they cannot compete with the small, light ducks. Good layers of greenish or white eggs, Runners can lay 150-200 eggs per year. Rouen ducks are so heavy that they tend to crush their eggs if allowed to incubate them. Rouens are similar in color to the wild Flying Mallard — male drakes have a lustrous green head and neck, a rich purplish brown chest, and steel gray penciling on the upper body, and female hens are mahogany brown with fine penciling of greenish black or brown. We got them for fun, and so didn't pick them for any express purpose, but she started laying a few weeks back, and has been giving us roughly an egg a day. Rouen ducks are great duck layers, laying up to 150 duck eggs every year. The cross of the Indian Runner ducks and the Rouen created the first Campbell ducks. They truly do look like big, fat Mallard Ducks. Meat Breeds. Eggs: Rouens produce 140 to 180 duck eggs per year. Duck egg production of these egg-specialist breeds is right up there with the best chicken layers. Averaging at 5-7 pounds, they are known to have excellent meat. Rouen ducks have the weight of Pekins and the coloring of Mallards. The Rouen comes in two types the production Rouen which is a bit smaller and sleeker than the standard Rouen. Two main qualifications for duck meat are usually wanted. The hens are good egg producers, and the males are great for roasting. Males have a fall weight of 8 to 9 pounds and females are 6 to 7 pounds. Their fertility is about 89% and they make excellent broody mothers. Initially it was named after “Rhone”, an area in France known for its food and wine (though what part of France is not known for its local cuisine!) (SOLD STRAIGHT RUN ONLY) APPROX. Rouen ducks are larger than the Mallard breed but are similar in color. Even though they are not the best of layers they still can give up to 125 large white eggs a year. Rouen Ducks: 140-180 eggs a year, weight 6-9 pounds; Hookbill Duck: 100-200 eggs a year, weight 3-5.5 lbs . 130-180 EGGS/YEAR WEIGHT 5-6 LBS. The standard Rouen can reach up to 9 – 10 pounds and are quite clumsy then hen tends to accidentally break her eggs. Rouen ducks are not breed for producing lots of eggs. Aylesbury. However, some Rouen duck strains are bred more for meat, causing egg production to drop. Khaki Campbells- Khaki Campell Ducks are exceptional egg layers, they can lay an average of 320 eggs a year! during the early 1800’s. Among the layers were Blue Indian Runners and Golden 300 Hybrid ducks from Metzer Farms.Rouen ducks were purchased from Metzer Farms in Gonzales, CA and Muscovy and Cayuga ducks were purchased from Cripplecreek Farm in Gardiner, NY.Our runners and Rouen lay green tinted eggs, Cayuga lay grey eggs.