Pre-season scouting and a good pair of binoculars are very important when hunting mule deer in Unit 31. I drew a Nov Mule deer tag in unit 28 and everybody I have talked to said that it is a BAD unit. Arizona DIY Hunts - Products for the do it yourself, unguided coues deer, mule deer, elk, javelina and bear hunter. Are you planning on trying to obtain a rifle permit for one of the various seasons, or are you just going to get an over-the-counter bow tag for any of those seasons? Access is good on the south end and frustrating at best the rest of the unit. Forget the draw, hunt Arizona each year. Unit 31. OK, so the hunt starts this Friday. Looks like a very large buck, but they didn’t.. June 22, 2012 with 0 Comments Danny Howard 1994 For youth deer hunters, the youth-only hunts in unit 27 and unit 28 29 30A 30B 31 32 are great. They are most abundant in areas of … OK, so the hunt starts this Friday. Arizona offers over-the-counter (OTC) archery mule deer and Coues deer hunts during prime hunting times in prime hunting units. It has become one of the most overlooked and underrated hunts in the southwest. White-tailed Deer . Follow this road to foothills and hunt the drainages and bottoms that run north and south from Mt. Recommended Posts. There is plenty of room to hunt though. Arizona Unit 31 Coues Deer Help? On average 400 mule deer are observed during post-hunt surveys with a buck to doe ratio of 8-10 bucks for every 100 does. I will try to let you guys know what we find. Which with the coues is a great thing. I will try to let you guys know what we find. I have some topo maps on a few areas but have found that it is a very big unit. Mule deer can be found throughout most of the unit. Everywhere we looked, we found deer. 32 is a good unit with some quality deer. In 2000, my brother Erik and I drew tags to hunt Coues deer during the December hunt in Unit 36B. Another plus to this hunt is that in south Arizona the mule deer and Coues deer rut in late December and early January. It's worth noting mule deer are not found in the timber and high elevations of the Pinaleno mountains along Hwy 366. Arizona Guided Hunts is pleased to offer quality hunting trips for the Coues Whitetailed Deer in Southern Arizona near Tucson. I have a couple scouting trips before the hunt to check out and was wondering if anybody had any advice about the unit? Why? Preseason scouting and use of good optics will definitely improve a hunter's changes of harvesting a mule deer buck. Arizona Unit 31 Coues Deer Help? Game and Fish Unit manager said that since it was so exceptionally warm during the November hunt and there was a full moon, the coues … Yeah, I've hunted Coues in a lot of units in AZ - Unit 22 being but one of those units. Game and Fish Unit manager said that since it was so exceptionally warm during the November hunt and there was a full moon, the coues … Coues Whitetail Deer Hunts I'd look at the Muleshoe Ranch area, The Winchester Mountains, and Redfield Canyon area, or even the little Dragoon Mts. The best hunting takes place during the late-December and January rut. A hunt that has flown under the radar in Arizona for decades is now beginning to surface. By WadeNAZ, July 29, 2008 in Coues Deer Hunting in Arizona. Nov 2004 Unit 31, Arizona This deer was taken by Travis Miller who is 12 years old. I spot just as many deer as those I hunt with, who use the big name and high priced glass. ... scouted the unit in Tonto National Forest for two mornings and one evening and covered many miles while seeing little deer sign and even less deer. Followers 0. Durkee and Battle Mountain Area: Take Bonita-Klondyke road northwest to FS 672 road. Coues Deer (video) Arizona's other deer, the Coues, is a subspecies of the white-tailed deer. The rut was kicking in and it was just a matter of time until we found the buck we were looking for. They are any antlered deer hunts with the possibility of taking a mule deer or coues whitetail deer in all of these units.