There are other factors to consider, like whether your pot needs to be seasoned, so we’ll dive into all of the things to keep in mind when buying a pot for deep frying. Of course, there has to be the right set of ingredients, but don’t forget about using the best deep-frying pot.In this post, we’re going to explain how you should go about choosing the right pot for deep frying. I found that if you are truly deep frying, such as making french fries or completely immersing chicken pieces in oil (versus pan frying, which leaves part of the food sticking out of the oil), a thick bottomed and sided pot works best for heat retention and heat stabilization. It is also deep frying like you would for fish and chip's. If you're Paula Dean, you could always invest in an in-home deep fryer like she has. Guarantee she's deep-frying … 5”” deep pot, tempered glass lid, frying basket and steamer insert; Multipurpose pot - unique design and square shape allow for baking, frying, broiling, sautéing, … The dish is best known for its crispy and seasoned exterior and juicy interior, which you get from deep frying the chicken in hot oil. But really, this is a good thing. The best pot is also a deep pot since the food needs to be completely covered by oil. When you finish with the frying … A deep cast iron pan works great--you can get it really hot and it will stay hot. To be on the safe side with deep frying, use an oil with a smoke point of 400 degrees F or above. Enamel-coated cast iron is fine for deep frying, but if may discolor the surface after a while. To do it at home, just grab a stockpot, wok, or deep-walled saucepan, and a candy or deep-fat thermometer, and go to town. However with the best non-stick pans, you can improve your meals and reduce the effort involved in cleaning up afterwards. How to Prepare. Modernist Cuisine recommends using a deep pot and a stainless steel strainer for fishing out the deep-fried items. Buy one that's inexpensive and use it exclusively for that purpose and you'll be happy. Fortunately, there are quite a few oils that fit that criterion. Image via Rose Water & Orange Blossoms by Maureen Abood Modernist Cuisine recommends using a deep pot and a stainless steel strainer for fishing out the deep-fried items. For deep frying, you want a stockpot that will evenly distribute and … Deep frying pans are amongst the most essential things to be found in the Indian kitchens. High quality metal steel frame, stronger bearing capacity. I used to think that in order to deep-fry, you needed a deep-fryer. How to Choose the Best Oil for Deep Frying Fish. There is an ever-increasing number of oil products to choose from.