When he's looks like he's got a bit of weight on him, when he looks filled out from the rear to the shoulders. Expect a weight of a minimum of 900 lbs and the age around 1-2.5 years old. When getting your beef from a local farmer or raising it yourself, you need to know when butchering a cow (technically a bovine and usually a steer or heifer) cuts of meat that are essential to make sure you’re getting the most from the animal and the cuts that will serve you and your family best. i have a 18 month old holstein steer calf i need to fatten up. ... Feed the steer the equivalent about 1.5 percent of his body weight as feed. The finished or cut weight is the weight … Join Cornell Beef Cattle Extension Specialist Mike Baker as he describes … Fine butcher shops and top restaurants sell prime grade beef. After the blood, hide and inedible parts are cleaned from the carcass, what’s left is the hanging weight. A cow’s live weight is the weight of the cow just before butcher. Yum! How do you tell the optimum time? Family Cows and Farming. Therefore, a 1000 lb steer will yield about 420lbs of meat. With implants, steers can reach this weight in as little as 14 months. Welcome to the Farm. The kill fee alone … but would like to put on as much fat over the next couple months as i can. The dressing percentage is the portion of the live animal weight that results in the hot carcass. Julie PS, In case you're wondering, your steer will hang at approx 60% of it's live weight (and if you're paying a butcher that's the weight they will use to charge you) and you will receive approx 70% of that in meat. This measurement is commonly used by stocker operators. Like this ol' boy: How to Feed Beef for Prime Grade By Kim Dieter | Updated September 26, 2017 ... and is produced by a young beef animal. Graze them on pasture for grass fed cattle or supplement their diets with grain or protein feed for more rapid weight gain. his kill date is the end of october. This measurement is commonly used by stocker operators. the problem i am having is he is growing like crazy every day when i go out to feed he looks taller. After the blood, hide and inedible parts are cleaned from the carcass, what’s left is the hanging weight. I would like to avoid feeding him through the winter because I've heard they won't gain much, and with feed prices, well you get the idea. Use the light-weight feeder steers as a base to view the price differences as you add weight to various endpoints. How much does it cost to butcher a cow? At 16 months this same steer will have a hip height of 49.6 inches, but its frame score (4) and target slaughter weight (1100 lbs) will still be the same. Ruechel indicates that beef flavor is directly related to age; the older the animal, the more flavor the meat … The Family Cow. The finished or cut weight is the weight after the cow has been processed, cut and aged. The ideal age at which to butcher a steer or heifer is 1 1/2 to 2 years. He is on pasture, I give him about 15 lbs of good alfalfa/timothy hay, and 3 to 5 pounds of cracked corn per day. The cut weight is about 14-15… I'm not talking about steers or heifers here, I'm talking about the "female mature bovine" cow. The cost to have a cow butchered will depend on the size of the cow, the butcher doing the job, how you want it processed and geographical location. The feeder steer price difference per pound between the 300-pound (base) and 700-pound feeder steers for example was -$0.44 per pound. Written by: Zach Dunn How-To 7 Comments Print This Article. In most cases, the costs will be fairly straightforward. but would like to put on as much fat over the next couple months as i can. ... Angus cattle are one of the most popular breeds of cattle in the US. ... Feed the steer the equivalent about 1.5 percent of his body weight as feed. I've heard you can slaughter him earlier than 14 months if you run out of pasture before November, and still get good meat off of him.