There are many beautiful names of Irish origin that refer to geography or abstract concepts that will suit both male and female cats. Asked in Cats (Felines) Are white cats bad or good luck? And since they're a unique kind, their names should be just as special as they are. This is not possible in real life, as almost all calico cats … There's an air of superstition and mystery around black cats. To help you choose the best name for your cat, hear at AnimalWised we've compiled a list of spooky, unique and cute names for black cats. September 18, 2015. stops stealing my names white and black she cat with blue Eyes. Welcome your new black cat into the family with these unique black cat names for girls and boys, plus some great name ideas inspired by food and pop culture. Who doesn’t want to touch those smooth milky white furs and love them? But the name scientists here at Cuteness HQ have been hard at work compiling the most popular animal names … Let's face it! We've chosen some place names from all parts of the island because of their sound; if you have Irish heritage it can be a very good idea to name … Trending Questions. Trying to figure out what you should name your cat? ... you looking for a name your cat based on his hair coat color or type such as he is white, brown, orange or red, grey, black, black and white, tabby, or a calico cat. White cat breeds look charming and elegant. good luck, since black cats are bad luck. The only thing more difficult than naming your first-born child is deciding on a name for your pet. We recommend you take your cat's personality into consideration and choose a name that's easy to pronounce and learn, even if the names of black cats … It is currently possible to breed two calico variants together. What are some good warrior cat names for black cats? Here I list some of my favorite white cat breeds with pictures … The calico cat and white cat appear to have heterochromia (The eyes are two different colors). Dr. Debra Primovic - DVM. Although, cats have various colors like black, brown, gray or even orange but I love the white cat the most. ... Fluffy Cats: Name Ideas for Fluffy Haired Cats. Load More.