AAL: AAL, Attribution Assurance License. Some years ago Wind River offered access to a cloud-based tool that scans software licenses. Another example is when a set of licenses is needed to represent a binary program constructed by compiling and linking two (or more) different source files each governed by different licenses (e.g., LGPL-2.1 AND BSD-3-Clause). To use the BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License put the following SPDX tag/value pair into a comment according to the placement guidelines in the licensing rules documentation: SPDX short identifier: BSD-3-Clause Further resources on the 3-clause BSD license Note: This license has also been called the "New BSD License" or "Modified BSD License". BSD-3-Clause. SPDX. Short identifier. Legal Team/License List/Licenses Under Consideration. SPDX is an attempt to standardize a format for communicating the components, licenses and copyrights associated with a software package. License SPDX identifier, e.g. 3. licenseExceptionName:: LicenseExceptionId-> String Source # License name, e.g. A detailed listing of the most popular, recently updated and most watched BSD 3-Clause Clear License licensed packages online _____ be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. To use the BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License put the following SPDX tag/value pair into a comment according to the placement guidelines in the licensing rules documentation: "BSD-3-Clause". By providing a short identifier, users can efficiently refer to a license without having to redundantly reproduce the full license. Since then "GNU General Public License v2.0 only" mkLicenseExceptionId:: LicenseListVersion-> String-> Maybe LicenseExceptionId Source # Create a … NullBSD: 0BSD, BSD Zero Clause License. The SPDX License List includes a standardized short identifier, full name for each license, vetted license text, other basic information, and a canonical permanent URL for each license and exception. The SPDX License ... BSD-3-Clause-No-Nuclear-License: License … Full name. A detailed listing of the most popular, recently updated and most watched BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License licensed packages online Another example is when a set of licenses is needed to represent a binary program constructed by compiling and linking two (or more) different source files each governed by different licenses (e.g., LGPL-2.1 AND BSD-3-Clause). ... 7.3. SPDX License List. "BSD-3-Clause". License: GPL-2+ and BSD-3-clause. Compared to BSD-2, the added clause 3 states that names of the copyright holder and contributors cannot be used to endorse or promote derived products (prior written permission). THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY _____ "AS IS" AND ANY _____ OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. licenseExceptionName:: LicenseExceptionId-> String Source # License name, e.g. Other web pages for this license この問題を解消するため、1999年7月22日に宣伝条項のないライセンスとなる修正BSDライセンス (Revised BSD License / New BSD License / Modified BSD License) またの名を三条項BSDライセンス (3-clause BSD license) が策定された 。 "GNU General Public License v2.0 only" mkLicenseExceptionId:: LicenseListVersion-> String-> Maybe LicenseExceptionId Source # Create a … License SPDX identifier, e.g. SPDX short identifier: BSD-2-Clause Further resources on the 2-clause BSD license Note: This license has also been called the "Simplified BSD License" and the "FreeBSD License". From SPDX Wiki < Legal Team. Another example is GPL-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause. BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License. Abstyles: Abstyles, Abstyles License. SPDX is a new format to better hint the licenses used in source code files. … Ideally, the license terms of all files in the source tree should be defined by such License Identifiers; in no case a file can contain more than one such License Identifier list. For the most complex cases, a comma is used to disambiguate the priority of ors and ands. + To use the BSD 3-clause "Clear" License put the following SPDX + tag/value pair into a comment according to the placement guidelines in + the licensing rules documentation: For example, the expression GPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause describes a relationship where one can choose between two licenses, but it does not imply any specific interpretation of how to choose or the way to interpret the respective licenses. BSD-3 allows you almost unlimited freedom with the software so long as you include the BSD copyright and license notice in it (found in Fulltext).