According to House Rabbit Society, male and female rabbits make ideal companions. And if you do separate them before 8 weeks don't do it any younger than 6 weeks of age. If you have a young male rabbit castrated within a few days of his testicles descending into the scrotum, he won’t have the chance to become fertile and he can remain with a female littermate or companion. The second reason, as sad as it is true, is that other rabbits will often kill the baby bunnies, especially a male rabbit because he wants the female to go into heat again so they can breed, which won't happen while she's nursing babies. For smaller breeds, sexual maturity occurs as young as 3.5 months of age.If your intact female rabbit was with an intact male rabbit and they are both over the age of 3.5 months, you'll want to monitor your rabbit for signs of pregnancy. The sex of the rabbits can be a significant factor. Believe us when we say that the male rabbit is going to be more than happy to make that happen. Neutering/castration prevents this. However, it is advisable to spay and neuter both rabbits before housing them together. This is a common concern for new rabbit breeders. Note also that people should not handle wild rabbits since they often carry disease and parasites, and a mother rabbit will not abandon babies … Unless the mother is, in fact, dead or the babies appear distressed or threatened, experts recommend leaving the babies and their nest undisturbed. The second reason, as sad as it is true, is that other rabbits will often kill the baby bunnies, especially a male rabbit because he wants the female to go into heat again so they can breed, which won't happen while she's nursing babies. Male rabbits can reach sexual maturity as early as 10 weeks. Unlike other species, the male rabbit is tolerant of young babies and can even remain in the same cage with the rest of the family if he is neutered. Between 10–14 weeks, the testes descend and are … ... wait until the babies are a bit larger then put the male bunny in..but don't put the male bunny in when the rabbit babies are just a few days or weeks can introduce the male bunny to them slowly. If this is a domestic rabbit baby, then you may introduce them to pellets at 2 weeks of age (please refer to the handout Care of Rabbits for more information on diet). For more baby bunny care tips, see these trusted resources: If … Can the male rabbit stay with the female during her pregnancy and after the babies are born? if the male rabbit is neutered then it should be okay, just be sure to let them meet in neuteral territory still, if they don't get along too well or are shy, you could always take them both for a car ride, most rabbits hate car rides and the two rabbits will seek eachother out for comfort and security, thus making them more likely to bond. ... You need to learn to sex rabbits too, to make sure you separate the male and female babies as soon as they are sexually mature too, you don't want brothers and … If you come out one morning to find that your rabbit has given birth to a litter of babies, there are several steps you must take to ensure her health and the health and survival of her babies. In an adult male rabbit, the sheath of the penis is cylinder-like and can be extruded as early as two months of age. To avoid this, … If you come out one morning to find that your rabbit has given birth to a litter of babies, there are several steps you must take to ensure her health and the health and survival of her babies. Rabbits can be aggressive around each other. Some vets perform rabbit castrations via the scrotum and some via the abdomen. You can tell they are fighting there with be loose fur on the floor of the cage. Male rabbits can reach sexual maturity as early as 10 weeks. Isolate the healing rabbit. Step 1. For up to four weeks after surgery, a male rabbit can still impregnate other rabbits. You will need to separate the kits at 8 weeks of age as the males will fight. Uncastrated males can breed. Can Doe and Buck Rabbits Live Together? It takes a while for the hormones to reduce; a male rabbit can still get a female pregnant up to 3 weeks after neutering. Separate her from the male rabbit. The babies should not be weaned earlier because they need to receive necessary gut flora and antibodies from their mother. he will still be as warm and loving towards you and other rabbits. Should you separate a male rabbit from the female & babies after she's had them? 0 0 0. However, he can impregnate the female again as soon as she gives birth, resulting in another pregnancy before she finishes weaning the first litter. At 8 weeks, you should also separate the male and female offspring, so they do not breed. Kits (baby rabbit are wean at 8 weeks of age and should stay with the doe (mother rabbit) until then.