For the mosquitoes, put some mosquitofish into the pond. A tadpole refers to the larval stage of the members of class Amphibia.Tadpoles of the members of this class are distinct, especially when looking at their morphology and related metamorphosis.. Tadpoles are mostly herbivorous, given that they feed on planktonic plant material in the water.Others are omnivorous.Aside from feeding on plant material, they also feed on … This has also been shown in other parts of the world within the European green toad, sandpaper frog, Indian bullfrog, and the coronated treefrog species. Tadpoles are the first stage in a frog or a toad's life cycle.Like many other amphibians, frogs undergo a metamorphosis; they are born as small larvae and later develop into adult frogs. 0 0 1. Login to reply the answers Post; morv k. 1 decade ago. its usually the other way around, the mosquito larvae eat the tadpoles but really it all depends on the size of the tadpole or larvae. Your choice of tadpole food is very important to ensure they grow into healthy frogs. However, most tadpoles are herbivores and feed on plants and algae. Most tadpoles will not eat mosquito larvae, since most tadpoles* aren’t carnivorous. What do Tadpoles Eat? If the water hits the mosquito, it falls into the water and the fish eats it. For the mosquitoes, put some mosquitofish into the pond. With this in mind, if you have a definite mosquito population, have a smaller pond (or a smaller budget), incorporating a mixture of goldfish, mosquito fish, minnows, and guppies will certainly take care of any mosquito larvae. Mosquitofish. How to Raise Tadpoles. What Do Tadpoles Eat? 1 decade ago. 7 Fish that eat mosquito larvae but not tadpoles #1. 7 Fish that eat mosquito larvae but not tadpoles #1. Tadpole in the Wild. If you were to use American bullfrog tadpoles, for instance, they are much more likely to eat mosquitoes than, say the much smaller, less carnivorous common American toad. They will eat the mosquito larvae. What do Tadpoles Eat? Login to reply the answers Post; Anonymous . To feed them, get some sludgy algae stuff out of whatever pond … Do Tadpoles Eat Mosquito Larvae. Most tadpoles are fully aquatic, but there are some that are semiterrestrial (such as the Indirana beddomii).They are most commonly found in ponds and lakes that are surrounded by algae and plants which offer them protection from predators. Tadpoles eat many different types of food but they love algae and vegetation. A mosquito fish can scarf up as many as 160 wrigglers an hour. They eat mostly mosquito larvae, THEY DO NOT ABSORB THEIR ENERGY FROM THE SUN! I know a number of species will eat other tadpoles, but carnivorous tadpoles in general aren’t active predators like salamander larvae are. “One yard I looked at had kiddie pools for dogs to keep them cool in the summer heat,” says Ken Sholar, Dona Ana County (DAC) Vector Control supervisor. If the water hits the mosquito, it falls into the water and the fish eats it. In North America, the spadefoot toad, green treefrog, and giant treefrog have all demonstrated as tadpoles their ability to eat mosquito larvae. Most tadpoles are herbivorous or omnivorous. As such, while they do prefer to eat plant life first and foremost, it is possible to find a few species to eat … To kill the tadpoles, you will need some larger fish such as bass, but then, the bass would eat … These fish are so good at eating mosquitoes that they take their name from them. Also, the larvae of all amphibians are called tadpoles. yes they do and small bugs that fall in the water as well. I know a number of species will eat other tadpoles, but carnivorous tadpoles in general aren’t active predators like salamander larvae are. Most tadpoles will not eat mosquito larvae, since most tadpoles* aren’t carnivorous. You will need to add some fine gravel for substrate, some rooted plants and weeds, as well as some larger rocks. Tadpoles or mosquito larvae? Alternatively, you can feed them lettuce or spinnach - dont boil it as some people recommend as it loses its nutrients this way.