Puppies are definitely a lot of work, but they also bring plenty of joy to your world. Even some celebrity Dogs Trust backers such as patron Eamonn Holmes have publicly endorsed Lucy's Law, named after a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel who spent years in a puppy farm before being rescued. Getting a dog is really exciting – if you have the time and space for them, they can be the perfect pal for you. Together, we can help build a better world for our furry friends! But which breed is an important decision and where you get your dog from can have a … Bringing a new puppy into your home will change your life forever. Daniel Brocklebank adopted his puppy from Dogs Trust after she was illegally smuggled into the UK from Poland. Taking your new puppy home. Read more Alison Russell; Education & Outreach Officer; Scotland; 18 February 2020; Puppy Power! From expenses to grooming, training and general care, getting a puppy is a lifelong commitment. Read more Puppy Biting Older Dog. We can't let this continue. Biting and chewing on each other’s face is part and parcel of puppy play and getting to know other dogs. If you're worried your dog may get bored being indoors more this winter, then now is the perfect time to get stuck in and look for new ideas to keep your dogs occupied! Prospective puppy owners have been warned not to be 'dogfished' when buying a new pet for the family. When you've chosen your puppy, you'll need to get everything ready at home. You can also contact your MP to support The Dogs Trust’s Puppy Pilot Scheme in their call for action. There's been a 61% increase in illegally imported puppies since pet travel laws were relaxed in 2012. The Puppy Contract can help you avoid becoming another victim of the puppy trade. Finding the right dog Advice and help on how where to find dogs & puppies for sale in the UK as well as choosing the right pedigree or crossbreed dog for you, your family and your lifestyle. There's lots to think about before getting a puppy! So many puppies and dogs in our care are looking for loving homes - and we'll help match you with your perfect dog! Have you considered adopting a puppy instead? Whether you are getting your first puppy or just need a refresher course, here's what you'll need to know to get your puppy on the right track to adulthood. Puppy and Older Dog Not Getting Along. How to deal with a new puppy and an older dog not getting along will depend on what your dogs are doing, and why.