8 Important Points to Remember about this Essay: Essay Introduction Duties of students Duties towards themselves Duties towards the family Duties towards society and nation Duties towards humanity Students and politics Conclusion—duties and rights Essay Introduction: Students are the repository of all that is vital and vigorous in society. DUTY. But the role which a soldier plays in defending and protecting the borders of India is really unparalleled. The Life of a Soldier. Do you know the meaning of duties, responsibilities and authority? Right Place Time & Uniform. He is a great benefactor of the country and her people. Essay 2 (300 words) Introduction. Accountability and Responsibility in the Army. Specified duties are those related to jobs and positions. The Army itself is a large responsibility that every soldier has. Soldier – Essay. Respect That You as a Soldier Owe to Ncos meDUTIES 3-2. Noncommissioned officers have three types of duties: specified duties, directed duties and implied duties. Responsibilities outlined in the U.S. Army and National Guard Soldier’s Creed include placing the mission first, never giving up, maintaining fitness and expertise, … Soldier Essay in English • Every Indian contributes somethings as far as the defence of India is concerned. A soldier refers to a person who works or serves in the army.His role is to fight for a nation or a region. Duty begins with everything required of you by law, regulation, and orders; but it includes much more than that. 2. He has to rise above his own self to defend his nation. One of the obligations as a soldier is to carry out your duties to standard and the best of your ability. If in a leadership position, exert authority to build the team and develop your soldiers. The country goes on her developmental programme only when there is peace, and peace is brought by the sincere efforts of a soldier … To serve and defend others indicates two things: that a Soldier has an obligation to “others” and also that this society needs to … His profession brings out the best qualities in him like chivalry, discipline, team sprite, loyalty and steadfastness. Essay … A soldier is the pride of his nation. As I’m often told it’s the little stuff that really matter because all the little things amount to bigger things. Responsibilities And Responsibilities Of A Soldier The Responsibilities of a Soldier. Obedience to Orders All soldiers have a moral and legal obligation or duty to obey the lawful orders of the officers and leaders appointed over them. Check out our top Free Essays on Duties Of A Soldier to help you write your own Essay A Soldier is, of course, one of the three qualities upon which we build our ethic of duties, which is to serve and defend others, taking responsibilities for actions that others dare not do. Free Sample Essay on Role of Soldier in Defense of India.