Table 3 - Reported catches (kg) by SETF and GABTF trawlers of gummy shark by year and sub-region. There are bag limits and in some cases, size limits. Additional information: These fish can't be filleted in or on Victorian waters. Minimum size: 75 cm total Bag limit: 2 (school and gummy shark combined) Possession limit: 2 (school and gummy shark combined) Boat limit: 5 (all shark … Washington State fishing and shellfishing rules, rule updates, and news of interest to anglers. Gummy Sharks. This includes a number of changes to bag limits, one size limit and other rule changes. Recreational catches in Victoria are subject to a daily bag limit and possession limit of two fish per person for gummy shark and/or school shark. Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:12 pm Thanks for all the advice guys, now like Baldy says I just have to find a spot I can legally keep them from. Table 4 - The standardized catch-rate indices for Bass Strait, South Australia, and Tasmania. A heavy action rod around 1.8m is adequate. Further, WA has extensive recreational fisheries that interact with sharks and rays. Anyone know the bag and size limits for theres in Wa? Return all undersized fish to the water. Daily boat limit when 3 or more people are on board: combined total of 6 Gummy and School Sharks. Limited to a daily total trip limit of 5 School and Gummy Sharks. Re: How do you bleed a Gummy Shark? There’s also a maximum size limit for all whaler shark species, including tiger sharks… In the West Coast and South Coast bioregions, but not other areas, whaler sharks have a maximum size limit. Gummy Sharks are also targeted by clients of the South Australian Charter Fishery [Rogers et al. Bag and size limits can be found in our Recreational fishing guide or accessed through the online recreational fishing rules website - . Download the Fish Washington app, which provides up-to-date fishing regulations on your mobile device. Download and read the annual fishing pamphlet, which details rules and regulations statewide. Baits for Gummy Shark Crabs, Squid, Pilchard, Barracouta strips, Cockles, Marine Worm. The South Australian State-wide recreational catch of Gummy Shark was estimated at approximately 37.03 t in 2013/14 [Giri and Hall 2015]. doesnt matter if its a gummy or other shark you are going to keep,when caught killed eg cut tail fin off,headed,gutted and placed on ice straight away,later when filletting,skinned,cut out blood lines,leaving as much of the whiter meat should help with the horrible amonia taste on most sharks including gummys ,hope this helps on your next shark capture ,same process for sambos aswel exept … 2005 for the directed shark fisheries and the Commonwealth non-trawl fishery (estimates for the four gill-net mesh sizes used in the fishery have been pooled). Personal daily bag limit: combined total of 2 Gummy and School Sharks. The gummy shark (Mustelus antarcticus) is widely distributed in Australian waters, ranging from northern NSW around the southern coast, (including Tasmania) to Geraldton in WA. Gummy Shark (2016) 1 Gummy Shark (2016) ... (Interim) Managed Fishery (WA) STOCK STRUCTURE Gummy Shark (Mustelus antarcticus) is distributed throughout the temperate waters of Australia, from at least Port Stephens in New South Wales, ... above the trigger limits … 2018]. 2017] and by recreational anglers [Steer et al. Angling for Gummy Shark: Type of Tackle Use line between 10 to 15kg. Protected and threatened species cannot be taken. Bag limit: The maximum number of fish or invertebrates per person per day. It is an offence to possess undersize fish even if they are no longer alive. Cheers DPI Bag & Size Limits – NSW. Sharks … Gummy sharks have sweet and delicious flesh, and are popular for their boneless and thick flakes. A minimum size limit of 45cm applies from the rear gill … ... Shark (school and gummy) Fishing Discussion; Anyone know the bag and size limits for theres in Wa? Size limits. Research suggests that gummy sharks are being heavily fished, so area restrictions to protect this species and school shark are extremely important. In addition, if you are fishing with the use of a powered boat, you require a Recreational Fishing from Boat Licence.. Hook Selection Size 4/0 - 6/0 snelled hooks that come pre packed are ideal. Minimum size: 45 cm measured from the 5th gill slit to the base of the tail. Submitted by djf on Mon, 2012-04-16 08:21. They must be kept whole or in carcass form until you're away from the water. Minimum legal size: 45cm (partial length - see diagram above) Bag limit: A combined total limit of 2 for gummy shark and/or school shark.