Parakeets are small parrots with big brains! In captivity, Parakeets live an average of five to eight years, but are reported to occasionally live to 15 if well cared for. The maximum recorded lifespan is 26 years. it seems like many people have their parakeets/budgies for 5-7 years, maybe 10 if they are lucky. Indian ringnecks need a healthy diet to live a long time. A number of dietary factors contribute to the life expectancy of parakeets. Avoid chocolate, avocado, caffeine and alcohol, which are toxic to birds. Parakeets comprise about 115 species of birds that are seed-eating parrots of small size, slender build, and long, tapering tails. A diet of high-quality bird seed mix supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables is essential to a parakeet's … Most of the country drives during an eastern North American summer will turn up a few Eastern Bluebirds sitting on telephone wires or perched atop a nest box, calling out in a short, wavering voice or abruptly dropping to the ground after an insect. These birds like long horizontal flights, so provide a safe flying environment—free of other animals, ceiling fans, and open doors or windows. How Long Do Parakeets Live in Captivity? Young birds that have recently left the nest are particularly vulnerable, as their survival skills are less developed than experienced adults. They like to have things to do so … How Long Do Pet Parrots Live? Yes! The oldest recorded bird in the UK was a Manx shearwater which was 52. Just make sure that all windows and doors are shut. Avoid chocolate, avocado, … But the question, how long do parakeets live, can be answered with some generalities. Most birds in captivity don't live as long as in the wild, becasue they are not exposed to the same fresh air, and sunlight, and nutrition as they would get in the wild. In captivity, budgerigars live an average of 3 to 10 years with some living 15-20 years. Start with a pellet mix made for parakeets and give fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Offer seeds and nuts only as treats. Start with a pellet mix made for parakeets and give fresh fruits and vegetables daily. Parakeets have lived long fruitful lives since the beginning from their origin of Australia. However, it is possible that a bluebird might live 6 to 10 years. Life Span - How long does a bluebird live in the wild? Offer seeds and nuts only as treats. The person who decides to live with a blue-crowned conure should consider the proximity of their neighbors. 8 February 2008. Small Parakeets It is known that some of the smaller parakeets such as the Budgie Parakeet or Budgerigar, the Bourke's Parakeet, and the Elegant Parakeet may reach about 10 years.