Stealing one is cruel, but if you find one that fell out, it's very likely to die, so take it home. You’ll need to find a reputable breeder. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT CROWS. In captivity, a raven can live for 50+ years.A friend still has a raven that was his grandfather's, and his grandfather died over 50 yrs ago. Legend says that if the ravens ever leave the Tower, the country will fall to an enemy. Recorded weights range from 0.69 to 2 kg (1.5 to 4.4 lb), thus making the common raven one of the heaviest passerines. There are many factors in the pet bird trade that create a big divide between how long a bird can potentially live and how long they tend to live in captivity. The ravens are now treated almost like royalty. Australian Ravens are usually seen in pairs. The breed is also an element but not as powerful as diet and care are. I have been trying to find out how long the hooded crow lives, as I have a few pets at present - some this years fledgelings. Asked in Crows What do you call the place where crows live? Without further ado: Hand fed babies are in fact a bit rambunctious, and very much like a small child getting into everything. The truth is that the life expectancy of a crow is not too long compared to other birds such as eagles, parrots or agarponis. 1.The raven is the largest bird of the crow family: it is twice heavier than a common crow at 1.3 kg (3 pounds), being 60 cm (two feet) long, with a wingspan of almost 1 m (3.3 ft). The life span of any bird in the wild depends largely on the bird's ability to evade predators. A mature common raven ranges between 54 and 67 cm (21" and 26") long, with a wingspan of 115 to 150 cm (45–51"). Without the constant dangers of the wild, however, ravens can live much longer. Ravens are believed to mate for life. Ravens and crows are extremely intelligent animals and are very difficult to care for, so the decision to care for a corvid should never be made in haste or for the wrong reasons. Still want a pet crow or raven? Crows in the wild can be VERY destructive. Australian Ravens are black with white eyes in adults. Everyone wants their pet to live a long and healthy life. Rabbits, on the other hand, are a little trickier, though they do have an average lifespan just like other animals. 10 Really Weird Crow Facts. One captive bird on record lived 69 years. If captured as a nestling, a raven may make an interesting pet capable of learning to mimic a few words. According to the Animal Ageing and Longevity Database, the longest-lived member of the species survived 69 years in captivity. Quite so, young bounced out of the nest, wounded taken in will often bond with people who are patient with them as they are recovering- please don’t capture a grown bird!!!