Black bear. This is a result of the greater abundance of protein-rich food along the coast. Because Ontario's current Black Bear population is based on an overabundance of nuts and berries in a 1-2 month period of the year, we now have an overabundance of Black Bears in Ontario with not enough food to sustain them the rest of the year. While grizzlies eat meat and fish, their main diet consists of berries and plants. A genetic analysis indicated that the brown bear lineage diverged from the cave bear species complex approximately 1.2–1.4 million years ago, but did not clarify if U. savini persisted as a paraspecies for the brown bear before perishing. followed shortly by "How about a Grizzly? These are the population estimates of the three species of bears found in Canada. Male polar bear. 3-Polar Bear – Ursus Maritimus Polar bears are among the largest bears in the world. Bears give birth every two years, and give birth the 2-3 cubs (the average litter size is 2.2 cubs), therefore 30,000 in half to 15,000 females giving birth to cubs that year. The arguments against the spring bear… Male black bears range from 250 to 600 pounds (114 to 272 kg), females from 100 to 400 pounds (45.4 to 182 kg) making these animals formidable quarry. Climate change is considered the greatest threat to the long-term survival of these bears. The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and its partners are working together to help ensure the long-term survival of Ontario’s polar bears. In addition to hiring more bear technicians, Ontario's Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry will be increasing its outreach activities in Sudbury to try to reduce the number of bear attractants. Thanks for the A2A! Ontario is home to the southern-most population of polar bears in the world. In Ontario, the largest male bear recorded from “live capture” research studies weighed 654 kg (1439 lbs). Black bears: 369,000 (Least Concern) Polar bears: 16,000 (Vulnerable) Grizzly bears: 15,000 (Endangered) For a total of about 400,000 bears. Approximately 15,000 of these bears live in 13 sub-populations in Canada’s northern areas. Read our insider's guide to bear watching in Canada for top tips on where and when to see grizzlies, black bears and Kermode or spirit bears in Canada. Submitting Teeth From Your Harvested Black Bear. Ontario is home to the southern-most population of polar bears in the world. The average weight of male polar bears in Ontario is about 500 kg (1100 lbs). General Appearance: Next to the Moose the Black Bear is the largest mammal in Algonquin Park and the only bear species in the Park.There are approximately 2,000 bears in Algonquin which is about one for every three to four square kilometres. We start baiting black bears one month before the season starts to make sure we attract and hold every bear in the area. Twenty-five fatal black bear attacks have occurred in North America during the last 20 years. Ontario’s black bear population is estimated at 85,000 to 105,000 bears – the second largest in North America. Figure 1. Dispatching a trophy bruin is not only a matter of matching brawn, but also wits. So yearly we have 33,000 new bear cubs (15,000 * 3/5ths). ". Adult males may reach 800 kilograms (kg) or 1760 pounds (lbs). Polar bears in Ontario are primarily from the Southern Hudson Bay sub-population, which includes polar bears in James Bay (Figure 2). Here are the stories behind each. There are currently about 25,000 polar bears world-wide. With so many critters roaming the wilds, it may come as no surprise that Canada is home to 60% of the world’s entire bear population. And as we spend more time outdoors, run-ins with bears are expected to become more frequent. While I've seen a fair amount, I still feel as if I haven't scratched the surface. Posted on November 18, 2019 November 18, 2019 Author Ontario Parks Categories Nature Knowledge Tags Bear … Bears were hit by cars in Wellington and Middlesex counties; six were admitted to Rosseau’s Aspen Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in a single month, and almost 30 were spotted in Huron County — up from 15 just three years prior. A new study has raised some interesting questions about the status of grizzly bears in the far northern reaches of northwestern Ontario. Bears are normally shy of humans and quickly get out of your way. When backpackers in Canada find out that I'm a Canadian, they assume that I have seen everything you could possibly see in this country. Learn More These "campsite" bears can become persistent and destructive nuisances. Joe Azougar, who had just moved to Cochrane, Ont., a … Now 3-4 cubs are fairly close to average. From out initial 100,000 bears, we have 30,000 cub-capable female bears. Some people like to state that there have only been 63 deaths due to black bear attacks in the last hundred and ten years (86% of those occurred since 1960 though). These are the population estimates of the three species of bears found in Canada.