Grizzlies are a lot more aggressive and dangerous than black bears. Black bears: 369,000 (Least Concern) Polar bears: 16,000 (Vulnerable) Grizzly bears: 15,000 (Endangered) For a total of about 400,000 bears. Read our insider's guide to bear watching in Canada for top tips on where and when to see grizzlies, black bears and Kermode or spirit bears in Canada. Black bear attacks seem to be on the rise as of late. This pristine wilderness north of Québec along the Jacques-Cartier River consists of coniferous boreal forest, with yellow birch and sugar maple along the riverbank. Twenty-five fatal black bear attacks have occurred in North America during the last 20 years. While grizzlies eat meat and fish, their main diet consists of berries and plants. The bear cubs are born in the winter dens in January or February. However, encounters between bears and people do occur. This is a result of the greater abundance of protein-rich food along the coast. These are the population estimates of the three species of bears found in Canada. As you can see the statistics show there were a total of 18 reported deaths between 2000-2010 and 33 deaths between 2010-2018. Did you know there are more than 650 different animal species in Québec? So there are about eleven times as many black bears as grizzly bears in … Bear Sanctuaries Around The World. Where: Québec The truth about polar bears. Quebec is the only province whose official language is French. December 1, 2012. This is a result of the greater abundance of protein-rich food along the coast. The number of black bears in the U.S. and Canada is estimated to be approximately 600,000. Grizzly Bears are well-adapted for digging, hunting, grazing and rooting, and these bears are omnivorous. Thanks for the A2A! Many people visit Yellowstone National Park just to get a glimpse of these magnificent beasts. 51 fatal attacks in the last 18 years works out to less than 3 per year on average.. You’re most likely to be killed by a bear … The Canadian Rocky Mountains are home to both grizzly and black bears. Female Grizzlies begin mating at the age of 6 years and their litters are comprised of 1-3 cubs. You can run into a bear anywhere here, be it on a busy trail close to town or in the remote backcountry. So there are about eleven times as many black bears as grizzly bears in north America. The coastal brown bears are generally larger than their inland grizzly bear counterpart. Here are the stories behind each. Depending on whom you ask, the North’s sentinel species is either on the edge of extinction or an environmental success story. Quebec is also home to Canada’s second largest city, and the second largest French speaking city in the world, Montreal (more than four million people).