If you find an egg in your parakeet's cage, you're probably wondering how it happened, what to do with it, and whether or not it will hatch. Providing proper, non-incandescent lighting, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep, as well as removing nesting toys or materials are key to discouraging egg laying. I was a little worried the second one came out with some blood on it but she appears to be ok. She is still acting as though she is "horny". I used to breed peach faced lovebirds many years ago and mine would lay 4-5 eggs usually. Egg laying in pet birds can be a serious health threat. The brooding takes 22 to 25 days. However, in many cases, not all survive, it is just a part of nature. The hen usually starts to brood (sit on the eggs)after the second egg is laid. How many eggs do lovebirds lay? Sounds as though she is done laying now and is incubating these eggs. I'm afraid I can't recall how long it takes the eggs to hatch but if you find a good lovebird breeding website online that will tell you all you need to know. Egg Laying in Pet Birds: Background. at what age australian parrots lay eggs, how many eggs do lovebirds lay, how often do love birds lay eggs, how often do lovebirds lay eggs, how old do lovebirds have to be to lay eggs, in which age australian parrots gave eggs, in which age australian parrots lay eggs, love birds laying eggs first time, what age do lovebirds lay eggs, By Andy Mathews. Once lovebird chicks hatch, they should be left alone and should not be hand-fed for the first few days. After a pair has bonded and are in breeding condition they will mate. The normal clutch is 4-6, usually any more than that is 2 females working together. It takes up to 10 days for them to be laid. Most types of parrot lay eggs around a time equivalent to spring or summer in the part of the world they are native to (Lovebirds come from Madagascar south of the equator so would more likely lay their eggs from November to March). My question is how many eggs is she possibly going to lay? we have two love birds and we aren't sure if one is male and one is female so we put a nesting box on their cage..we now have 9 eggs..could they both be female and laying..one does stay in there and sit on them while the other comes out..but they both spend a lot of time in there.. Most time the eggs are laid at night. Some may never surprise you. I was just on a forum where their female bird is 10yrs old and has just laid an egg. The hen will lay on average 3-5 eggs which mostly she will incubate for 22-25 days. Needless to say they were very shocked by this. The brooding takes 22 to 25 days. It takes up to 10 days for them to be laid. Eggs are laid 3-7 days after mating normally one every other day. The hen usually starts to brood (sit on the eggs)after the second egg is laid. How many birds can a lovebird have? You never know for certain unless you get them DNA tested, you might just have a super layer, but it's more likely both are female and laying now that there's a nest box in the cage. It's not uncommon for female birds to lay eggs without a male bird being present. Getting To Know African Lovebirds. For lovebirds, that is twenty-two to twenty-five days. Most time the eggs are laid at night. The hen usually starts to brood (sit on the eggs)after the second egg is laid. If you have a pair of lovebirds, you may have 5 or 6 eggs in the nest. Many birds know when it's been too long for the eggs to hatch, and will leave the nest. I was a little worried the second one came out with some blood on it but she appears to be ok. She is still acting as though she is "horny". She'll stop laying when she has a clutch and will set on the eggs. According to ParrotFeather.com, lovebird eggs take 21 to 24 days to hatch. If you have 9 eggs I would assume you have 2 females. Two female Lovebirds can lay up to 10 infertile eggs. My question is how many eggs is she possibly going to lay? Ok, so far my lovebird Mango has laid two eggs and it might just be possible that she has a third on its way. I think I saw my buddy lovebirds twice in. and how many eggs at a Time.