Learn how to draw a cartoon owl character, one that's symmetrical and looking straight on at the viewer - in this simple step by step animal drawing lesson. The tutorial consists of 11 simple steps that when finished, will assemble and create a fantastic, energetic baby owl! Use tissues or q-tips to help smooth your shading. Make sure you do not erase all the guidelines at once, but only in the area you are working on - the guidelines in the surrounding area will help you visualise the shape of the Owl. The secret is to draw … This helps ground the barn owl so it doesn't appear to be floating. Pick the direction of the light source when shading so that the shadows are consistent with it. Final Step (optional): Add some shading to your barn owl drawing to give it more dimension and volume. On this page you will find 10 pictures of Barn Owl Drawing Bird. Make two large ovals intertwined with each other and a medium circle for the face. Try to draw any of them or all of them completely free in our online simulator! Step 3 I participate in some affiliate programs. Draw a simple sketch of the owl, I think I used Pixabay as a reference here. It all depends on how wide, long, and narrow the face is going to be that you will draw. Advertisement But with these five simple … 2. It’s difficult to image, after seeing a barn owl perched on a fence post in the wild, that you could capture its shape and character on paper. Make a rounded heart shape for the main part of the face, and then add another curved line around the top. Vary the pressure on your pencil to get different degrees of tonal value. Do you want to learn how to draw? 1. Successful rendering of the qualities that we acknowledge in a drawing as being unique to a Barn Owl, to offer one example, entails sketching the volumes correctly. You can draw it using a pencil or a graphic tablet. Finish the wing by adding the flight feathers. So this is how I painted a barn owl which, I think it quite suits my wintry mood. In this guide we will draw a cute little owl. Step 6. If you want to learn how to draw an owl, follow the easy steps below. This owl drawing can be done in 20 minutes or less, even if you’re a beginner. Sketch lightly, but confidently, and in no time you will have a cute owl sitting on the paper in front of you. Once you have actually completed the line drawing of your Barn Owl you can move on to the next step, the shading, and the portraying of the feathers of its plumage. Draw a Barn Owl Part 2. As you work on each section of the drawing, erase the guidelines so that they are very faint and then begin to shade the area. Let's draw one by starting with the head. This owl is based on the great horned variety of the species. Now the eyes, I want there to be so much life in my owl's eyes. Step 1: The Barn Owl is one of the most common owls in the world, and live on every single continent except for Antarctica. Add in the short pencil marks that define the shape of the Owl’s face. Step 5. Description: This is a quick reference on how the face shapes of a barn owl should be drawn or tackled when attempting to draw the barn owl. That means when a product is purchased through my links, I get a small commission at no extra cost to you. Then draw in the wing feathers. I like to hunker down and sit up in my little room with my cat for company and get lost in my world of painting . CLICK HERE FOR STEP 7. Draw a cast shadow underneath. Step 4 . Step 2 Now, enhance the face with heart shaped figure for the Barn own, make that pointed tip of the mouth it has. If you prefer your drawing to look more like a barn owl, then you can round off the top of the head instead of making the pointed feathers that I show you below.