Draw feet. If your rabbit’s ears are lying back against its head but are not touching, this can be a sign that it is frightened. Step 2. Start the curve for the big hind leg almost at the back. Step 1. Lastly don’t forget about the ears. Bambi's other eye will be on the other side of the head and therefore not visible. For those of you that joined me live yesterday I created the dragon head you see before you now. Step 3: Inside the head, draw two intersecting lines. Draw the final details – the hoof and the tail. This drawing lesson is based upon a stuffed toy called Ty Beanie Boos – Clover the Lamb. The same goes for eyes, you can draw dots like we have or you can do closed eyes, by drawing an “inverted” U shapes. Step 6. Add almond shapes over the head for the ears. Draw it sitting on top of the horizontal construction line and right side of the vertical construction line. In this post, we’ll look at drawing a cute and furry mammal – a bunny. Then, enclose a second shape behind the first using a short, curved line. "ASCII" art is a way of making pictures using different keyboard symbols. Draw two D-Shaped figures for the feet and two ovals along with a square. Congratulations! Use the video and step-by-step drawing instructions below to learn how to draw Roger Rabbit from Disney's Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Step 4: Draw two long arcs on top of the head for the rabbit's ears. How to Draw a Bunny - Drawing a Realistic Bunny Draw two intersecting circles. Start the curve for the big hind leg almost at the back. How to Draw Thumper from Bambi. Are you ready to finish drawing your bunny rabbit's head? Draw the triangular base for the body and a 3-D circular figure. Step 5: Draw the rump and hind leg. Add the eyes and whiskers. Step 1, Watch for a happy bunny to lay its ears back. To make adorable ASCII bunnies, try one of the following methods. How to Draw Cartoon Sheep / Lambs / Farm Animals Step by Step Drawing Tutorial === Sad Bunny === If you can draw simple shapes and letters then you can draw this baby lamb. Step 2: Draw a shape similar to an egg above the body as a guide for the rabbit's head. Draw a fluffy oval shape. Step 4. Next comes the body of the sheep. You are almost finished. Will before you do that you have to draw out the long, flopping ears that are resting on the ground. When your rabbit’s ears are lying down on their head, intersecting with each other in the back, they are resting. Learn how to draw this character with the following simple step to step tutorial. Add the skin shapes inside of the bunny's ears, and then draw in some fold detailing at the ends of the ears like … Look at other body language cues to verify if your rabbit seems to be resting ...Step 2, … Make the back foot flat along the bottom. Step 5. Step 1: Draw a slanted oval as a guide for the rabbit's body. Draw a curved line on the side of the top circle to represent the bunny’s nose. It’s all about finding the simple shapes.