If you steam mussels and find that one doesn’t open, it’s almost invariably bad. This illustrated step-by-step guide to the easiest steamed mussels recipe you’ll ever make is a great one to keep in your back pocket. To steam mussels, put 1 cup liquid (water or a mix of water and white wine or beer) in a 4- to 6-quart pot. Bring to a boil, then dump in the mussels and cover. Once they are steamed, clams are called "steamers." Don’t assume it’s bad and throw it away yet. Cook until the mussels open wide. Look for any mussels that have opened and tap them on the kitchen counter. Steamed clams or mussels make a fancy appetizer or a special entree, and with this recipe, you can do it on the fly for a spur-of-the-moment party. In place of water, you can also use wine or beer or other liquids to steam the mussels and add some unique flavour. Remove the mussels and claims from the pot with tongs. If they don’t close, discard them. Mussels are an ideal dinner party dish -- they're fairly expensive but are still elegant enough to impress your guests. Several Chowhounds are also partial to Southeast Asian recipes that call for coconut milk and aromatic spices, such as these Thai Red Curry Mussels. Eliminate any dead clams or mussels before steaming because a bad one can ruin the whole batch. Clams are a little trickier. Discard any dead clams immediately, or if you are in a store, report them to the fishmonger. This will take 4 to 6 minutes, but check frequently after 4 minutes. It takes less than 30 minutes, as few as five ingredients, and it’s a cinch to memorize, because none of the measurements are set in stone. All three types of clams, soft shell, hard shell and surf clams are suitable for steaming. Discuss: Mussel … After a good soak in salty water, prepare the seafood with delicious-smelling aromatics. Add your favorite herbs and/or seasonings. Scoop out the mussels with a slotted spoon and discard any that are unopened. For the freshest, most delicious flavor, steam clams inside their shells. Don't forget the broth, it makes a tasty dip for bread. You can even simply put mussels in a hot, dry skillet and cover them, EricMM says; they’ll steam in their own juices and gain lots of flavor. To steam mussels: For 1 1/2 to 4 1/2 pounds mussels, put 1 cup liquid (water or a mix of water and white wine or beer) in a 4- to 6-quart pot. Bring the liquid to a boil, then add the mussels and cover. Use your microwave to steam clams or mussels with this basic recipe. How to Steam Mussels. Steamers are one of two kinds of clams commonly eaten in New England, and if you’re sometimes confused about the different clam varieties and their various sub-groups, not to mention how you’re supposed to eat them, don’t worry, you’re not alone. When stored in ideal conditions, steamer clams will stay fresh for about a week to 10 days. Steam your mussels with a small amount of liquid in a pot with a lid. Test whether a steamer clam is alive by rapping its shell lightly with a finger; if it closes, it is alive. For closed mussels, press on the sides of the two shells in opposing directions. Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then add the clams and mussels, cover the pot, and steam for about 5 to 7 minutes or until the claims and mussels have opened. Mussels are done when the steam comes out from under the lid and the mussels are open. For every dozen clams you steam, you’re likely to find one that won’t open. Dead mussels … Best of all, you can prepare them quickly and easily by steaming them. Place about 1 cup of water in a large stockpot.