A young rooster at this age will have spurs that are less than a third of an inch long at 6 months old. Usually this process is done by well trained person called chicken sexer or chick sexer. Most chicks are artificially incubated and are raised in a brooder with other chicks their own age. The photos below are of 2 chicks from the same hatch – both California Whites, same age, purchased at the same time. Chick sexing is the method of distinguishing the sex of chickens and other hatchlings, usually by a trained person called a chick sexer or chicken sexer. At what age does a rooster grow spurs? How to tell a hen from a rooster with 2 month old chicks chickens ... and explain why they are either a hen or rooster and how to tell the difference at this age… That one with a red comb is a boy in case you didn't know. I don't know if it's totally legit or not -- I guess we will see in a couple of months, right? You'll know a chicken is at least 16 weeks old if they look like an adult. This is a great determining factor when they are a month to two months of age. Before discussing about how to tell chicks gender, let me fist describe something important about it. At the time of these photos, these two chicks were about 2 weeks old. The indicators for aging hens may be a little more accurate, and since you received your birds in pairs I’m assuming the male and female are similar in age. If it is important to know the sex of my chicks early on, I make sure to order Sex Link chicks from my favorite hatchery. Jul 16, 2015 37,717 58,826 1,312 central Wisconsin. In addition, the color of the combs will appear to be brighter as they age. This is the cute, little fuzz ball we all adore. Then the young females are called pullets, the young males called cockerels. I bought 2 Rhode Island Reds on March 5th and loved them so much I … My guess is 5-6 weeks. Tto help. Apr 30, 2018 #2 oldhenlikesdogs Great Horny Toads. I bought them from a farm store on March 5th, so I have had them a little over a week, but I don't know how old they were when I bought them. This is the first stage of life. If you bought or acquired adult chickens somewhere else and I want to know how old they are, we have some bad news about chicken age. New technique I learned from chicken expert at Tractor Supply. Genetic testing is the most reliable way to sex a chick, but as the price of a test is several times the price of a chick, genetic testing on chickens is the exception, not the norm. How do you tell if a baby chick is female or male? I'm trying to tell the age of my baby chicks. The comb will stand a tad bit taller, and in some cases, it may appear to be more full than a hen’s comb. As he ages, the spur lengthens, and his spurs can be an inch or more in length by the time he's 2 years old. and then she told me look at the legs of the chickens and you might be able to guess how old a chicken can be. I'm trying to tell the age of my baby chicks. Premium member. It is very difficult to discern the age of an adult chicken. Why do chicken combs look so different from one another, and what is a comb? The best you can do is make an educated guess. In any case, this method of how to tell the sex of baby chicks does work very well, but requires skill and training. Can hens REALLY crow? Genetic testing is the most reliable way to sex a chick, but as the price of a test is several times the price of a chick, genetic testing on chickens is the exception, not the norm. ! In general, from hatch to feathering takes up to 12 weeks. How do I find a new home for a rooster I don't want? The comb of one chick is more pronounced than the other chick. Yesterday by a chance an older man and his wife came by my house to let me look at some of thier electric tools, and while the women was in my garage she seen my SLW hen in a gage and she said to me this hen is still young may be less than year old, I said yes mam that's corect! Cockerels will tend to have more pronounced combs than a hen, even as a young chick. If you bought or acquired adult chickens somewhere else and I want to know how old they are, we have some bad news about chicken age.