Depending on the raccoon, they usually get a long with is legal to feed strays. Never attempt to approach a raccoon. You may live in a state where raccoon trapping is absolutely illegal, and may lead to criminal charges of animal cruelty. The doc assumed he was crazy and kept upping the meds. Were not that crazy animal lover. Like all wildlife, raccoons can act aggressively if they feel threatened. See the Illinois Department of Natural Resources guidance below. Some feed deer, some raccoons or skunks, etc. so we just opened our door and a racoon was digging in our trash. It is illegal to feed deer in Illinois, but not squirrels, chipmunks or raccoons. Store garbage, bird seed, and animal feed in metal or tough plastic containers with tight-fitting lids, or secure lids with bungee cords. To reduce the attraction of a pet door , never place the pet's food or water near the inside of the door. Remember, you should never feed raccoons! Raccoons will attack dogs or cats if they feel threatened by them, and raccoon bites can cause disease or even a broken leg. My husband and I are huge animal lovers, and was wonder if its illegal to put food out for it. Wildlife Services encourages you to avoid feeding wildlife such as ducks, geese, gulls, raccoons, deer, squirrels or coyotes. You should wait until they are old enough to travel with the parents. One way you can help reduce wildlife conflicts with people is by not feeding wildlife near human populations and in parks. Often, it’s there for food. They came up on his … I had an elderly uncle who nearly died from meds given to him by a doctor, when he told the doc he was feeding possums. Raccoons are not dangerous to people. Its not like were going to go catch it or make friends. However, ticketing is rare even if bylaws are in place because it is difficult to determine whether someone is committing an offence. Last Modified: Oct 16, 2019 Print. Capturing and killing a raccoon with a firearm will also lead to charges of possession of a deadly weapon on top of the charges of cruelty to animals. Squirrels raid bird feeders, and raccoons hunt the rats, mice and birds that feed on spilled birdseed. Feed dogs and cats indoors and keep them in at night: If you must feed your pets outside, do so in late morning or at midday, and pick up food, water bowls, leftovers, and spilled food well before dark every day. Contact your local health department if raccoon exhibits signs of rabies such as stumbling, foaming at the mouth or aggression. People often want to help, but they end up killing them with kindness. He WAS feeding the possums. Litters of one to seven young are born in April and May. ————– Raccoons feed mainly at night. Is it illegal to feed raccoons in tn.? You should wait until they are old enough to travel with the parents. Don't Feed the Wildlife. If a raccoon happens to eat the food then that is okay too. but as with any animal there might be a few aggressive ones. Help keep wildlife wild and healthy. Access to human food (garbage, pet food or intentional feeding) decreases their fear of humans, and they may become aggressive toward food or injured pets. Unless prohibited by rabies alert or quarantine issued by a County Health Department or County Animal Control, live-captured nuisance wildlife may be transported for the purpose of euthanasia or for legal release. Some communities do have wildlife feeding ordinances, so you should check with Lake Zurich if they have such a policy. unless the raccoons have babies, then there should be no aggression. Keep pet doors secure from raccoons. Raccoons can easily climb conventional fences. And you never know if its a female finding food for her babies. Children should be taught not to approach any wildlife: serious bites and scratches may result from an encounter with a raccoon. Female raccoons look for den sites in late winter. Keep pets indoors at night: If cornered, raccoons may attack dogs and cats. BC SPCA prefers that people feed wild birds (rather than larger mammals) with seeds and natural plants, as birds tend to be opportunistic animals. The first step is to analyze why the animal is on your property. As posted in the 2012-13 IDNR Hunting Digest: Neighbor is BIG TIME feeding the raccoons. Raccoon trapping and hunting regulations vary from state to state. Winter is coming and i just want to make sure all gods creatures are fed. Raccoons and skunks leave their young in the nest for 3-7 weeks. my back yard is the woods and i have deer, raccoons, possums and never had any problems with them. The first step is to analyze why the animal is on your property. Feeding raccoons is harmful (PDF) and it is illegal to keep raccoons as pets in B.C. Often, it’s there for food. It was not until his kids quizzed the doc did it all get straightened out. It is illegal in the State of Virginia to trap and relocate an animal to another area. Unanswered Questions What are the different hardware that will be needed by producer of the voice mail the srvice provider and the beneficiary They eat fruit, nuts, berries, small animals, and insects and also will feed on pet food, garbage, and garden crops. Euthanasia guidelines can be found on the Report of the American Veterinary Medical Association Panel on Euthanasia. Deter raccoons by making pet food, garbage, and animal feed unavailable.