Kein Wunder, denn die Geschichte dazu stammt aus der Feder eines ausgewiesenen Bond-Profis: Bruce Feirstein, der als Drehbuchautor bereits an den Bond-Filmen „Die Welt ist nicht genug“ und „GoldenEye“ mitwirkte, zeichnet für die Story des Spiels … The Bond franchise has polarizing results when it comes to video games, but even dull fare such as James Bond 007: The Duel seems quaintly favorable compared to what I had to endure during my brief flirtation with 007 Legends. James Bond needs to save the world. James Bond, Agent 007, ist ein von Ian Fleming erfundener Geheimagent, der für den MI6 arbeitet. Cancel Remove. James Bond 007: Blood Stone Walkthrough HD - Part 1 - Duration: 17:26. James Bond 007: Blood Stone im Test - Bond in kurzer Mission Der letzte Bond-Film Ein Quantum Trost war kurz, actionhaltig und vergaß, das volle Potential seiner Story zu entfalten. If you want to leave Vali a tip for writing this James Bond 007: Blood Stone guide you can do so here. The game is running at Highest possible settings. Home > Games > James Bond 007: Blood Stone Prologue: Change of plans After landing on the yacht, take out the guard by shooting him in the head. Do you want to remove all your recent searches? For You Explore. Fleming schrieb bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 1964 zwölf Romane und neun Kurzgeschichten um James Bond. PC Specs: CPU: Intel Core i5 760 2.8Ghz Quad Core Video Card: ATI Radeon HD 5770 1GB RAM: 4GB Case: NZXT Lexa S Power Supply: 700W OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Once the guard's dead, head inside the yacht. James Bond: Blood Stone 007 spart keine Sekunde an dem, was Fans von einem mitreißenden, adrenalingetriebenen Bond-Abenteuer erwarten. In dem Roman Casino Royale (1953) hatte er seinen ersten Auftritt. ویدیو بعدی کافه آپارات - نیکی کریمی، هادی حجازی فر و سحر دولت شاهی از کانال کافه آپارات James Bond 007: Blood Stone is a third-person shooter video game. I think nailing my hands to my knees would be more enjoyable than this cheap, cash-grab shovelware. Part 1. SpottinGames 359,582 views Komplettlösung James Bond 007- Blood Stone: Einleitung, Mission 1 - Athen, Mission 2 - Istanbul (Bis Zugfahrt), Mission 2 - Istanbul (Zug, Bohrer, Verfolgung), Mission 3 - Monaco. A walkthrough of the first mission after the prologue in James Bond 007 Blood Stone for the PC. James Bond 007: Blood Stone Free Download PC Game Cracked in Direct Link and Torrent. FPS with FRAPS: Capped to 30 FPS without FRAPS: Capped at 60 Enjoy! James Bond 007: Blood Stone is a third-person shooter video game, developed by Bizarre Creations and published by Activision for the Microsoft Windows, Nintendo DS, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms. Log in. Watch this step-by-step Video Walkthrough Level 1.1: Part 1 - which will help and guide you through each and every level part of this game, James Bond 007: Blood Stone for the PC He'll do it one stage at a time, and we'll be here at your side to make sure that those stages go well for the beloved secret agent. Die Kurzgeschichten wurden in zwei Sammelbänden veröffentlicht. James Bond 007: Blood Stone Walkthrough Prologue: Change of plans. All recent searches will be deleted. 007 James Bond Blood Stone 360 | Chapter 1 | Part 2/2-+ Dailymotion. Watch fullscreen.