Please try again later. Listen for them, too—these ducks really do have a whistle for their call. The Lesser Whistling Duck is a species of whistling duck that breeds in the Indian Subcontinent and Southeast Asia. अडई Lesser Whistling Duck. Scientific Name: Dendrocygna javanica Alternative Name: Whistling Teal, Lesser Treeduck, Indian Whistling Duck Malay Name: Belibis Kecil Chinese Name: 栗树鸭 (lì shù-yā) Range: Found from Indian subcontinent, Southern China, mainland Southeast Asia to Indonesia. In the U.S., the black-bellied is … This extensive wetland is an Oasis for bird-lovers, and hosts around 5000 plus water birds during winters. Study Flashcards On Diving Ducks Wing IDs at Dendrocygna javanica,very nice looking small duck vogelpark walsrode,germany In the garden A view of a Whistling Duck. HBW Alive contains information on Descriptive notes , Voice , Habitat , Food and Feeding , Breeding , Movements , Status and Conservation plus a list of bibliographical references for this species account. makes it easy to get the grade you want! The five most numerous bird species were Lesser Whistling duck (24,397), Tufted Duck (13,410), Common Pochard (12,366), Great Crested Grebe (8,259) and Brown-headed Gull (3,993). Lesser Whistling-duck Dendrocygna javanica Check out the full taxonomy and distribution of Lesser Whistling-duck on HBW Alive. The whistling ducks or tree ducks are a subfamily, Dendrocygninae, of the duck, goose and swan family of birds, Anatidae.They are not true ducks. Doesn't really bother about people walking around. These birds are adapted to an aquatic existence with webbed feet, flattened bills, and feathers that are excellent at shedding water due to an oily coating. Black-bellied Whistling-duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis) + Spotted Whistling-duck (Dendrocygna guttata) West Indian Whistling-duck (Dendrocygna arborea) Fulvous Whistling-duck (Dendrocygna bicolor) Plumed Whistling-duck (Dendrocygna eytoni) Wandering Whistling-duck (Dendrocygna arcuata) + Lesser Whistling-duck (Dendrocygna javanica) The trailing legs and rounded wings of these slow flying ducks makes them look bigger than they are. Whistling ducks were formerly known as tree ducks, but not all like trees. In addition, six species were recorded for the first time from Hirakud area. Usually a shy resident bird, this pair seems to be quite tame. Jointly published by BNHS and Maharashtra Pakshimitra Sanghatana. Mainland and migratory birds include the Eurasian wryneck, Rosy Starling, Common Starling, shrikes, Wheatears, eagles and falcons, among others. Lesser Whistling Duck. In places like Texas and Louisiana, watch for noisy flocks of these gaudy ducks dropping into fields to forage on seeds, or loafing on golf course ponds. But the Northern white rhino is believed to be extinct in the wild and only a few remain in a sanctuary in Kenya. They are nocturnal feeders and during the day may be found in flocks around lakes and wet paddy fields. Range Whistling ducks live in the […] Eastern Great Egret is an Indian bird with a scientific name "Ardea alba modesta", a white heron in the genus Ardea, is a subspecies of the great egret (A. alba).It was first described by British ornithologist John Edward Gray in 1831.Although a study argued for full species status in 2005 most taxonomists consider it to be a subspecies. Lesser whistling duck. Duck Tales II: About divers, the half-migrants and the resident duck; Duck Tales II: About divers, the half-migrants and the resident duck The diving ducks are relatively heavy-boned and seek their meals at the bottom of ponds and water bodies. The name whistling duck is far more appropriate and descriptive, as all have calls ranging from distinctive high-pitched shrill sounds to clear or squeaky whistles. The booklet provides names of 577 species of birds found in Maharashtra in Marathi language. Marathi bird names bnhs and maharashtra pakshi mitra 2016 Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. At Martin Mere Nature Reserve A view of a Whistling Duck. Anatidae includes the ducks and most duck-like waterfowl, such as geese and swans. There are eight species of Whistling Duck (Dendrocygna) including the Black-bellied Whistling Duck, Fulvous Whistling Duck, Lesser Whistling Duck, Plumed Whistling Duck, Spotted Whistling Duck, Wandering Whistling Duck, West Indian Whistling Duck, and the White-faced Whistling Duck.The Whistling Ducks have a long neck, long legs, and a hunched appearance.