It is the livelihood for some 200 million people worldwide. Encourage students to discuss their own life cycle thus far (growing from infant to crawler to toddler to child) with their parents or guardians. Lesson Plan Activity Title: Fisheries and Aquaculture Subject (Focus/Topic): Biology/Ecology ... fishing has long been a way of life, a source of food and income. In this trout life cycle lesson plan, students learn trout vocabulary and make motions while singing this song. Discuss the basic fish life cycle. Home Connection. Learners sing a song about the trout life cycle. Quickly find that inspire student learning. Your class will discover what living things need to grow, and learn the various stages of a plant’s life span, with new vocabulary words. Approximately 20 percent of the animal protein consumed by humans is derived from fish. From seed to flower, students will learn all about the life cycle of a plant in this science lesson. Lesson Extensions. Suggested books are also included. Dramatize the four stages of the insect metamorphosis with dramatic play or a Readers Theater script. Lead the class in a discussion on the animal's life cycle and the relationship between the components of the life cycle. Describe spawning strategies used by Great Lakes fish. Read on for information about the anatomy of fish along with crafts, games, and edible activities. fish reptile life cycle Text Features Captions Headings Lesson 1* Teacher’s Guide pp. Make your own Frog Life Cycle Diagram: Cut out big blue circles in cardstock or construction paper; Glue foil circles on top (for the pond). Discuss other life cycles in nature. Find fish life cycle goldfish lesson plans and teaching resources. 12–13 Reread Life Cycles of … Young children love sea life, so incorporating a fish lesson plan for preschoolers will become a popular theme in your classroom. See the Reproductive Strategies fact sheet. At this time, show students how to use a digital tool, like Seesaw, to create sentences about the animal's life cycle based on the class's discussion. 10–11 Read Life Cycles of Animals • Administer Pre-Test, p. 38 • Introduce Concepts and Vocabulary • Model the Reading Lesson 2 Teacher’s Guide pp. Describe the two major reproductive strategies of animals. Contrast fish reproductive strategy with human reproductive strategy. Explain how, just like all animals, fish have a basic task — to reproduce.