However, Midget White turkeys only grow to be maybe half the size of other turkeys. In recent years, Midget Whites have developed a reputation as a friendly, small-flock turkey with excellent food qualities, perfect for raising in backyards and on urban homesteads and here is … Midget Whites are a rare heritage breed classified as “Critical” by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. Whether you want to raise turkey for meat or you just want a new pet to keep around the farm, the team at Cackle Hatchery® is here to help. This quality provides the variety with good meat production and makes the Midget White a fine table fowl. The perfect heirloom poultry for urban and rural homesteads. Heritage Midget White turkeys pairs/trios/poults for sale - $55 (Schuylerville) Midget White turkey pairs/trios/quads for sale. Most will be a year old in July and I also have a … We have an excellent selection of baby turkeys for sale, including a number of great options from our turkey hatchery. We wanted to be able to hatch our own poults, and also to have a smaller, more hardy bird with a better survival rate than the average broad breasted turkeys, that have been hybridized to the point of … SALE!!!!! Midget White eggs are HUGE compared to other turkey eggs and the poults (baby turkeys) hatch much bigger than other turkey poults. The white midget turkey is rapidly developing a reputation as an amiable, small-flock turkey. Tom weight-approx. The breed is the smallest standard variety of turkey, and with toms at roughly 13 lbs and hens 8-10 lbs, it weighs only slightly more than the largest chickens. Shipping unavailable to Minnesota Customers 10-12 lbs. The White Midget has survived to this day due to the University of Wisconsin continuing their turkey program. Good mothers and prolific egg layers. Good mothers and prolific egg layers. I have established two breeding groups: Group 1 contains the best male from 2012 and a second male that is the best of my 2013 birds along with twelve of the best females from my 2014 hatch. all remaining Midget White turkey pairs/trios for sale. Midget White Turkey for sale at, a hefty turkey breed. all remaining Midget White turkey pairs/trios for sale. The Midget White, with its broad breast, has the appearance of a miniature of the commercial Broad Breasted White turkey. I am very excited to be in the full swing of the 2015 breeding season for Midget White turkeys here on the farm. Midget White Turkey - Hen weight- approx. Heritage Breed Midget White Turkeys. Turkey breast fees more per pound than whole seafood will. Have unrelated groups to make up pairs, trios or quads from. Most are last year's hatch and 2 hens are 2 year olds. Midget White turkeys start life with… A complete turkey additionally usually means that you'll be able to prepare some amazing meals that is only able to be be prepared employing the left overs out of an whole turkey. Good mothers and prolific egg layers. Privett offers turkey poults as well as a wide variety of chicks, bantams, ducklings, goslings, and Guinea keets. I don't do this for all of the breeds because of the cost of feed, but if you don't want to raise chicks I do have started birds available on a limited basis late spring and into summer/early fall. Now shipping hatching eggs, poults and breeder adults.