Notice: you are using an outdated browser.Microsoft does not recommend using IE as your default browser.Some features on this website, like video and images, might not work properly. Mountain Lion Kitten Sickened After Someone Took It Home, Fed It Bratwurst November 15, 2018 at 9:40 pm Filed Under: Colorado Parks And Wildlife , Mountain Lion , Social Media , Walsenburg , Wetmore Although it’s a long haul for a wandering mountain lion to make it into Illinois, animals do wander, and the dead mountain lion discovered along railroad tracks in southwest Illinois a few years ago might actually have been wild. Mountain lions have legs, too. SPRINGFIELD, Ill.–Bobcats, armadillos, urban coyotes, black bears, wolves and mountain lions.The wildlife of Illinois certainly has grown more varied and interesting in 21st Century. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is not actively working to restore gray wolves, American black bears or mountain lions to Illinois. Currently, Illinois Conservation Police officers are allowing these animals to … A necropsy examination of that cat offered no conclusive evidence either way. Since 2002, four mountain lions have been killed in Illinois, including one who was shot in an alley in the Roscoe Village neighborhood in 2008. Right now, IDNR biologists and the Illinois Conservation Police are working together to develop protocols for addressing interactions between people and wolves, bears and mountain lions. WHEATON, IL — Police in Wheaton responded to a report of a possible mountain lion sighting in a resident's backyard Saturday afternoon. Is Illinois encouraging the return of large predators? There are mountain lions in the Blue Ridge Mountains of the eastern United States, but wildlife officials still call them extinct and haven’t done much to support their populations. 684: Miles a male mountain lion traveled from the Black Hills to Oklahoma, the previous long distance record. Since 2000, he said, four male mountain lions have either been found dead or have been euthanized in Illinois — including one that padded its way into Chicago. However, IDNR recognizes that occasional individual animals are likely to make their way here. BE CAREFUL OUTSIDE. The photo marks only the fourth confirmed Illinois sighting of a cougar – also known as a mountain lion, panther, puma or catamount – since the cats were driven from Illinois in the 1870s. ... First Cougar Spotting Of 2018 Confirmed By Dnr Caught On Camera Wwmt Kentucky Department Of Fish Wildlife Mountain Lions Phantom Of The Forest Could The Cougar Again Haunt Eastern U S Field Confirmation Of Cougars In Eastern North America If you live in Central Illinois, or anywhere in Illinois, you should reasonably assume that cougars, wolves, coyote, and possibly bear may be present. SPRINGFIELD, Ill.–Bobcats, armadillos, urban coyotes, black bears, wolves and mountain lions. Mountain lions and other dangerous beasts are lurking. The wildlife of Illinois certainly has grown more varied and interesting in 21st Century. Scientists tracking the mountain lions have found that roadways are largely trapping animals in the Santa Monica Mountains, which run along the Malibu coast and across the middle of Los Angeles to Griffith Park.LOS ANGELES – A male mountain lion that successfully crossed a 10-lane freeway in Los Angeles two months ago was struck and killed Saturday on the same… Map of cougar sightings in illinois. Conservation Police will share this information with local law enforcement agencies, the likely first-responders in the event of a sighting or nuisance call.