Must Be Santa (1999) Available Now Synopsis. [pinned by] With Arnold Pinnock, Deanna Milligan, Dabney Coleman, Keenan Macwilliam. Through a cosmic mix-up, a shiftless but good-hearted man is accidentally tagged to be the new Santa Claus after the old Santa dies. makes a reluctant Floyd Court (Pinnock), a loser who's down on his luck, the new Santa. To make matters worse still, "Santy" winds up being just this side of totally undesirable. Brian (10), Veronica (7), Robbie (4) The Horton Mine: Follow-up Exploration of a Creepy, Ghost-Filled Mine (Summer 2014) - Duration: 8:36. Keenan MacWilliam (born December 26, 1989) is a Canadian actress, singer, dancer, writer, director, fashion designer, producer, art director, graphic designer, and associate producer. The photography and visual effects are great and Brad Turner, who seems to have done a lot of Sci-Fi TV and Species III, did a good job directing, even if we didn't always know where it was going. Watch Must Be Santa movie trailer and get the latest cast info, photos, movie review and more on This leads to a wacky, exhausting hunt and doesn't turn up exactly what Santa's angels. [pinned by] Must Be Santa Dvd (1999) To enable us to ship our dvd,s for Free,we ship them in a plastic sleeve protected by a secured cardboard packaging,however if want your dvd to be shipped with a case for an extra charge,please choose the option during checkout. A new Santa is soon found - though not necessarily the one they started out to find. Santa Claus retires three days before Christmas. It's the first Christmas without Grandma and a diffucult time for the family, until Gradpa (James Earl Jones, Star Wars, Field of Dream) decides to share a story with his ten-year-old grandson Terence. She is best known for her roles as Carole Hanson #1 on "The Saddle Club" and Karen in "Get a Clue". When the reigning Santa is no longer fit for duty his helpers must search for a replacement. The gruff, no-nonsense manager of the North Pole is decidedly unhappy with the selection Swank makes it easy with licensing options to fit you. Must Be Santa (TV Movie) (1999) Everyone at the North Pole is immortal, except Santa who must be replaced when it's his time to join the Santa Senate and cross over to the angel side of the Pole. - This form is to only be used to send us information about a program. We use cookies to give you the best browsing experience and to provide you with relevant content and advertising. Through a cosmic mix-up, a shiftless but good-hearted man is accidentally tagged to be the new Santa Claus after the old Santa dies.