A cat might act weird for silly or serious reasons. ... my orange dream spider ball is acting strange with something i … 9 Answers. Or, who knows, it may attract large amounts of dust into the optical lens. I usually check on him every now and then I changed his food and water every day. I got my mice a few weekes ago and recently one of them has started acting strange. Why is my hamster acting weird? Tkosj. My 1 1/5 year old rat, Bella, is acting weird. Please help!! I would take the mouse to an exotic vet if you plan to keep it as a pet, or to a wildlife rehabilitation specialist if you want to release it back into the wild when it is healthy (be careful with the latter though as mice are the food that they feed healing raptors). Why would it be happening?? He started acting weird 4 days ago, he started jumping in place and being very nervous more than usual since he's pretty used to me by now, so that didn't seem like … My mouse/pc is acting weird So this will be hard to explain but i will try my best. I only got her yesterday and she was fine, very playful. I used to breed pet and feeder mice and have seen this condition before. It is not the mouse, I have tried it on several other computers, including another computer running Windows 10 … She sat on the top ledge of their cage with her tail hanging out. My current theory is that it's a bug in the driver that gets triggered when there is some weird interference. Here’s how to figure out what exactly is going on. I got my pet mouse half a year ago And everything seemed perfectly fine until today He normally sleeps during the day and gets out of around 6am. Whitney. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet… When we offered her a carrot, she seemed not to notice it until we touched her nose w/ it. Windows 10 New 19 Sep 2015 #1. Is Your Cat Acting Weird? Should I let my cat eat mice? 5 Reasons Why. Common Health Problems for Pet Snakes. How to Fix Mouse Pointers (Touchpad) Acting Erratically. It has started to jerk and jump around in a way that looks unnatural. my pet mouse has been acting weird ? HELP! She seems to have trouble walking, and she is shivering! In my other question, about the mean mouse acting strange..well he's still that way, just worse now. With any luck, this will solve it. I have no way to verify this, however. Learn the reasons why your cat may run around acting crazy and find out if it's ... out of the blue, your cat acts little wacky, weird, or zany, there are a few possible explanations ... call your vet immediately. Windows 10 - Jerky Mouse Movement I recently upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 on my Lenovo Twist laptop. She seperated herself from my other - Answered by a verified Veterinarian Answer Save. This leads people to wonder: If my cat eats a mouse, will he get sick? I uninstalled the logitech mouse software and uninstalled the mouse from the device manager , Restarted the computer and it seems to have gotten some what better but it is nothing like it should be .