Treatment of Ocular Toxocariasis with Albendazole ... with ocular larva migrans syndrome (OLM) were used in this study. As a result, vision can be impaired or lost. Toxocariasis occurs as a result of human infection with the larvae of the dog ascarid, Toxocara canis , or, less commonly, the cat ascarid, Toxocara cati . Toxocariasis is an illness of humans caused by larvae (immature worms) of either the dog roundworm (Toxocara canis), the cat roundworm (Toxocara cati) or the fox roundworm (Toxocara canis).Toxocariasis is often called visceral larva migrans (VLM). Depending on geographic location, degree of eosinophilia, eye and/or pulmonary signs, the terms ocular larva migrans (OLM), … The common parasites that cause visceral larva migrans are the dog tapeworm, Toxocara canis, and the less common cat tapeworm, Toxocara cati. Rarely, a larva may settle in the retina and impair vision, resulting in a condition known as ocular larva migrans. Endophthalmitis. In a recent publication it was suggested that human toxocarosis, including ocular larva migrans, may result from petting dogs infected with Toxocara canis, the dog roundworm. Toxocara canis (also known as dog roundworm) is a worldwide-distributed helminth parasite of dogs and other canids.The name is derived from the Greek word "toxon," meaning bow or quiver, and the Latin word "caro," meaning flesh. Visceral larva migrans is a general term used to indicate the presence of larvae in various internal organs, while larvae in the eye are termed ocular larva migrans. Most human infections are asymptomatic, but fever, persistent eosinophilia, and hepatomegaly (sometimes with pulmonary involvement) may occur, resulting in a condition known as visceral larva migrans. paratenic hosts, toxocariasis is often called larva migrans. Ocular larva migrans (OLM), also called ocular toxocariasis, is usually unilateral and has no or very mild systemic manifestations. Death is rare. Ocular larva migrans is a type of parasitic infection caused by larvae of toxocara canis (dog roundworm). OLM lesions consist mostly of granulomatous inflammatory reactions to a larva, resulting in uveitis and/or chorioretinitis. The clinical aspect is very characteristic, consisting of extremely pruritic erythematous linear lesions that occur mainly in the buttocks and feet. Larva migrans is caused by infestation by the helminth Ancylostoma braziliense.The contact is through the soil, contaminated by the feces of cats and dogs. Long-term morbidity is present with ocular larva migrans (ie, loss of vision in the affected eye) but not usually with visceral larva migrans. Ocular larva migrans, also known as ocular toxocariasis, is a zoonotic disease caused by roundworms. Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia, myocarditis, and Henoch-Schönlein purpura have been associated with visceral larva migrans. OLM lesions consist mostly of granulomatous inflammatory reactions to a larva, resulting in uveitis and/or chorioretinitis.