Despite the name, the ring on its neck is almost never visible. The sloping head shape and long, black, tapered bill are distinctive field marks for this species and help distinguish it from the similar redhead. I experimented with different acrylic paints and texturing techniques to … Excellent sponge painting on the back. I shot this bird a few weeks ago. Mature Birds Request Quote Order Chicks OnlinE The hen pictured here is from our Manchurian Cross breed. Feb 2, 2020 - Explore chartland's board "Ringneck" on Pinterest. You know, those diving ducks that are black on the ends and white in the middle? It can be ruined by a poor set of eyes. Female and … About Us. There's a distinct white line on the tip of the bill with a hen ringneck. You be the judge. Excellent sponge painting on the back. Little Red Hen vs. Ringneck Snake Posted on September 29, 2013 by Keeper of the Hollow Tonight I was tending to my small flock of chickens and was in the chicken yard and found a ringneck … Skinny females may not have the ability to both lay a clutch of eggs and incubate them, so they become parasites. Hen Redhead wooden duck decoy by Mason Decoy Factory. Waterfowl. Thanks for the responses in advance. About the Ring-necked Duck Breeding. The Redhead begins arriving in its winter range in October. Chinese Ringneck Hen. Glass Eyes. Here in North America we typically get four kinds: Ring-necked, Tufted, and of course, the pesky Greater and Lesser Scaup. On the other hand, a fat hen redhead can afford to lay many eggs and still incubate her own nest. Standard grade glass eye model. Puddle ducks are found primarily on the shallows of lakes, rivers, and freshwater marshes. Let’s talk about "Oreo ducks." It makes no difference if you are carving a hunting decoy or a decorative. Wingbeats are noisy and rapid. It’s the eyes that bring your carving … Made around 1915. Original paint. With an emphasis on traditional style combined with modern decoy technology, Dixie Decoys, LLC brings you waterfowl hunting gear that connects you with the past while providing all of the advantages today's sportsmen demand on the water. Waterfowl are warm-blooded animals that live on or near water, and include diving ducks and puddle ducks. Ring-necked Duck vs. Scaup In a recent post I showed a rather indistinct photo of what we concluded was a ring-necked duck (or two). It belongs to the genus Aythya, together with 11 other described species. Note the slight iridescence in the head, which is much less noticeable than in the male, but still present. The male Ring-necked Duck is a sharply marked bird of gleaming black, gray, and white. Ring-necked ducks breed from southeastern and east-central Alaska, central British Columbia eastward through northern Saskatchewan to Newfoundland, and south to northeastern California, southeastern Arizona, southern Colorado, Iowa, … Here is a better shot I got yesterday that provides a nice comparison between the ring-necked duck and a scaup , which appear quite similar at a glance, with dark heads, breasts, and tails, lighter flanks, and bluish/grayish bills. Even though this species dives for its food, you can find it in shallow wetlands such as beaver swamps, ponds, and bays.