Low-fat milk must contain less than 1.5% fat and skim or ‘fat-free’ milk has no more than 0.15% fat. Data were generated from 39 Sahiwal cows and 737 milk samples were analyzed at 07 days interval for a period of 06 months starting from 1st February 2007 to 31st July 2007. Apart from providing better quality of feed you can do some of these basic things. It is popular in Kenya due to high milk yields with a high-fat content of about five to six per cent compared to other exotic breeds which provide about three per cent fat content. Sahiwal Cow. Sahiwal cow is considered to be one of the best milch cattle breeds of ‘Zebu cattle’. With 60 percent fat, the milk of the hooded seal has the highest fat content of any milk-producing animal. Milk of Hill cow had higher content of protein, fat, SNF, TS and lower pH, EC and SCC compared to crossbreds and Sahiwal. A2 Milk of High Quality. However, milking method did not influence fat percentage in milk. Qualities of Sahiwal The milk of Sahiwal contains 5-6% fat whereas other breeds have only 3% fat. Of the three, sheep's milk has the highest fat content, with 17.2 grams in an 8-ounce glass. However, milking method did not influence fat percentage in milk. The Jersey's closest competitor in milk fat content is the Guernsey, with 4.7 percent and 3.6 percent protein content. 2. Production of milk fat and protein can vary tremendously from one herd to another. Whole milk is about 3.5 percent fat, and it’s the closest to the way it comes out of the cow. And if it all there is, it will be very marginal. Milk Constituents: The overall fat and SNF values were 3.98 ±0.16 and 8.36±0.05 percent, respectively while the protein and density of milk were in the range of … Keywords Colostrum Cow Composition Postpartum period. I have nearly 300 of Gir cow. The colostrum of Hill cow and Sahiwal were richer in protein, fat, lactose, TS and ash content as compared to crossbred cow. The milk fat content of the Holstein, the most common dairy cow, is 3.7 percent, with a 3.2 percent protein level. You cannot increase the milk yield beyond it’s genetic potential. Milk fat percentage was higher (P < 0.05) in cows milked twice compared to those milked three times per day. Among them , I feed half of them by natural grazing and to other half by preparing food for them (containing 8–10 ingredients ). However, average results ranging from 972 to 2490 kg were attained depending on the management level in the different regimes. But most dairy farmers in India, do not even get the actual potential milk yield from their dairy animals. A Sahiwal-Friesian cow gives higher milk yields compared to a purebred Sahiwal, yet it does not eat as much as the Friesian breed. Milk fat percentage was higher (P < 0.05) in cows milked twice compared to those milked three times per day. इसे भी पढ़ें – Best Indian Milking Cow Breeds for Commercial Dairy Farming. Milk of Sahiwal cows to contain 4.5% fat. Under good management conditions the Red Sindhi averages over 1700 kg of milk after suckling their calves but under optimum conditions there have been milk yields of over 3400 kg per lactation. • Fat is around4.5%. A summary of milk shipped in the Mideast Federal Order from 2000 through 2002 showed that herd average milk protein ranged from 1.57% to 4.66%, with an average of 3.05%.