... Identify a bird The RSPB bird identifier lists 408 species of birds found in the UK, including some rare overseas visitors. Types of Finches, Grosbeaks and House Sparrows. Black-capped Chickadee: Chestnut-backed Chickadee: Black-headed Grosbeak: Spotted Towhee : Fox Sparrow: Song Sparrow Tail is black with strongly contrasting white outer tail feathers. Since it was written I have posted photos and life history information on each bird listed. These birds are easily recognized by their black or dark gray hood contrasting with a rusty brown back and flanks, white lower chest and abdomen and gray- or black-streaked wings. The Black-headed Grosbeak Approximate length: 18-19 cm or 6-1/2 to 7-3/4 inches in length and is similar in size to a starling. Backyard birds of... Portland, Oregon Song Sparrow, Fernhill Wetlands, Forest Grove, Oregon on 7 March 2009 by Greg Gillson. The white-breasted nuthatch is a small bird with a white face and breast. The … The dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis) is a species of the juncos, a genus of small grayish American sparrows.This bird is common across much of temperate North America and in summer ranges far into the Arctic.It is a very variable species, much like the related fox sparrow (Passerella iliaca), and its systematics are still not completely untangled. The bill is a pale ivory or pink with a small black tip. Black-headed Grosbeak . Wings with black tips and black bases of primaries. They sometimes hybridize with each other in the central regions of the continent, where both species overlap. Nightjar. As per its name the male has a black head. Non-breeding adult lacks hood, black mark behind eye, and black tip on bill. Face is buff with black stripe behind eye. The female tends to be duller than the male. The flight style, small-headed and narrow-winged silhouette, and underwing pattern make this bird easy to identify at great distances. It breeds in coniferous and mixed forests of central and southeastern Canada, parts of the northeastern United States, the Appalachians, and coastal cypress forests of North Carolina. During the winter months, this species typically flies to Mexico to dine on the poisonous Monarch butterfly and berries. Its breast … The nape and crown are black while the upper body is a blue-gray color. It has a black head and neck and grey-brown back. This bird is a dark-blue-and-black rendition of the eastern Blue Jay, with a distinctive black top-notch or crest. Chestnut-collared Longspur: Small, sparrow-like bird with brown-streaked upperparts, black breast and flanks, some have chestnut on underparts, pale gray belly. The Black-throated Green Warbler is a small songbird with a breeding range of 1,480,000 square kilometers. Red bill. ... Black-headed Grosbeak. The Oregon dark-eyed junco is the most widespread western plumage variation of the species. Juvenile like winter adult but more black on wing and tail with black tip. Black-headed Gull: Small, white gull with partial hood, white crescents above and below eye, and white-gray back. Slate-colored Juncos have brownish or grayish heads and upper bodies; the “hood” is less distinct from the back and flanks. ... gray, and black can be seen. The Black-headed Grosbeak is a small migratory bird which lives in a wide range, spanning from southwestern British Columbia to the western half of the United States, to central Mexico and rarely Central America. A large and colorful member of the sparrow family, the Green-tailed towhee is perhaps more recognizable by its eye-catching chestnut crown than by its less intense green-gray back and olive tail. Their conical bill is usually dark, during spring and early summer and yellowish especially in fall and winter. Its small size makes it versatile, and it may forage on weed stalks as well as in large trees. Sexes similar. The chickadee’s black cap and bib; white cheeks; gray back, wings, and tail; and whitish underside with buffy sides are distinctive. Species: The Black-headed Grosbeak (Pheucticus melanocephalus), is an attractive large billed forest dwelling bird, similar in appearance to the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. A bird almost universally considered “cute” thanks to its oversized round head, tiny body, and curiosity about everything, including humans. While soaring, they hold their wings in a V-shape and often tip "drunkenly" from side to side, sometimes causing the gray flight feathers to look silvery as they catch the light. ... Black-headed Grosbeak. The smallest woodpecker in North America, common and widespread, although it avoids the arid southwest. A small, dark goose - the same size as a mallard. Backyard Birds - Willamette Valley Oregon ... Official State Bird of Oregon The western meadowlark was chosen as the state bird of Oregon in 1927 by the state's school children in a poll sponsored by the Oregon Audubon Society. Nape is chestnut-brown, crown is black, and throat is white. As with most jays, the Steller's can be quite loud and aggressive. In the east this is the most familiar member of the family, readily entering towns and city parks, coming to backyard bird feeders.