Slow, quiet and heart wrenching, this song will make you look into your pooch’s eyes and sob at the thought of seeing them walk out the door. We’ve rounded up 22 of the best dog-titled and dog-inspired tunes and made a doggie playlist of our favorites. Rap Direct 68609 You know that one person in your life who everything they do just seems to annoy you? 65.7k. #15 – “Little Boys Grow Up And Dogs Get Old” by Luke Bryan. – One is […] Summary: – There are songs about dogs. Seamus was the name of a Collie and the song that was in the album, Meddle, in 1971. Dedicated Search And Rescue Dog Dies After Saving 7 People Trapped In Earthquake Rubble ... And did you know that Paul McCartney wrote a song about his beloved dog, Martha? For example, Heart penned a track while watching their dog chase a butterfly. Christina Bandru. ... October Song Dedicated to Amy's pet canary Ava (after Ava Gardner) who flew away to live "in paradise". I love that my life is now about someone else." Be warned, you will cry when you here this beautiful song about a boy growing up with his dog. Relatable? share. Maybe. "Gabriel and Me" by Joan Baez. We bet you didn’t know that Neil Young wrote this tune for his dog … ... You are sent back to the day the titanic set sail with nothing but a 3rd class ticket (and food water ect) your task is to stop the titanic from sinking, how do you do this? Craig Hlavaty. 8.5k comments. Cat Stevens 'I Love My Dog' This song was the British singer's first single and was released in 1966. Seven Songs To Mourn A Beloved Pet. It can be a genuinely traumatic experience - for some people, even more devastating than the death of a relative. It’s pretty amazing. "The way I've described it is that something much bigger has happened in my life. "The song is all about my kid," Adele told USA Today in an interview last year. And did you know that Paul McCartney wrote a song about his beloved dog, Martha? These bands and singers created beautiful music all inspired by their own faithful companions. 15 Songs to Send to That Person You Can't Stand Sometimes you can sing it better than you can say it. It took a special song to dethrone Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk” from its 14-week run atop the Billboard Hot 100. There were so many out there it was hard to pick just a few, but we hope you enjoy them. SUNY Oswego. Want proof? Musicians find inspiration in everything in life, so it’s no surprise that there are a lot of songs written about our furry best friends. Doggos are really man’s best friend and it is proven by the many songs written by artists and inspired by dogs. So we’ve made a list of a few of our favorite dog songs! Dog music, and we mean music for our dogs and about our dogs, always puts a smile on our faces. What love songs would you dedicate to your dog/cat? Heavy Petting Issue: A playlist of songs dedicated to great pets A compilation of songs dedicated to pets, from "Pablow the Blowfish" to "Lilly," with Spotify playlist included. To finish off the list of songs dedicated to pets, we can’t leave out Steve Marriot’s singing dog. 65.8k. If you are looking for a song to dedicate to your furry pal, here’s some of the titles you might want to listen to. This 2008 song is dedicated to Sheryl Crow's son Wyatt, whom she adopted in 2007. Musicians write songs about a lot of different things, but one of our favorite music themes are our furry friends! Let’s get back to other genres of dog songs. 23 Dog Songs You Need To Hear Right Now Dogs have been the muses for musicians for ages. The most interesting thing is you can is hearing the dog’s growls in the song. You can’t get this one on YouTube, but it’s worth finding. well my dog is 18 right now, so if i even attempted to choose a shall we say, ending dedication, i think i'd burst into tears and my mom would come in and think i'd gone loco for bawling my eyes out at 2 a.m.. however, i actually serenaded my dogs this morning to "Happy" and "Can't Stand It" by NeverShoutNever! When you bring dogs and music together, you’re guaranteed magic. Cheesey songs are cheesey because they’re simple and emotional, which is what you need right now. 10 Songs About Dogs You Can Sing To Your Pup. Leilani Polk Silly? save hide report. Or that person who's hurt you so badly in the past? Here are a few songs about mortality, and losing old friends who just happen to poop in the yard.