We can almost find any exotic for you if we do not have what you want. 11. mynah birds. State Laws for Keeping Exotic Cats as Pets. Address: Lugoff south carolina; Small facility breeding coatis, kinkajous, hogs, potbelly pigs,bare tail opposum, Virginia opposum, and much more! The sale and possession of exotic animals in the United States is regulated by a patchwork of federal, state, and local laws that generally vary by community and by animal. Everywhere United States South Carolina 15 Columbia 9 Greenville 4 Charleston 2 Spartanburg 2 Florence Categories Filter. Inherently dangerous animals as defined by the state are listed as Category 4 animals … Because of the danger inherent in animal ownership, some states prohibit the possession of wild or exotic animals altogether, while most simply restrict possession to certain species. A pet tiger killed a Wilkes County 10-year-old in 2003, prompting an effort to draft statewide regulations on exotic animals. Originating from Australia, the bearded dragon is a common house pet in the United States. Cruelty to Animals. (B) The South Carolina Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, or other organizations organized for the same purpose, may not make an arrest for a violation of the laws … If you live in California, you may be out of luck. The Humane Society of the United States provided Governing with a summary of the exotic animal laws in … 2. rats and mice. 9. parrots. Title 47 - Animals, Livestock and Poultry. For example, South Carolina prohibits owning lions as pets, but you can still own a monkey. In addition to the above, foxes are not legal to import (”bring into this State”) into South Carolina. Feel free to call for pricing and availability. Exception to permit requirement for certain wildlife imported for sale as pets. Texas Sloths are definitely legal in this state, while large exotic carnivores and foxes are not. I … In Arkansas, you can own bobcats, but not more than six at a time. Summary of State Laws Relating to Private Possession of Exotic Animals. Note: Wild carnivores, which include foxes, are not allowed to be sold as pets within the state of South Carolina. South Carolina / Exotic Pets . SECTION 47-1-10. 6. shell parakeets. 5. gerbils. Pets & Animals Exotic Pets 18 Sugar Gliders 7 Hedgehogs 3 Lemurs 1 Ferrets 1 Chinchillas 1 Monkeys 1 Rats 4 Ring Tailed Baby Lemurs $2000.00 ea I have 2 Male Baby Lemurs born 02/14/2020 on a bottle and eating baby food. 4. canaries. Prospective owners should know these laws before taking on a new pet. § 50-16-60. 21 states ban all dangerous exotic pets, while the rest allow certain species or require permits. In the absence of a federal law on the subject of simian sidekicks, state laws prevail. Nevada, Wisconsin, Alabama, North Carolina, and South Carolina each have lax laws when it comes to pet ownership. Beginning January 1, 2018, as reported by the Associated Press, there will be one less state condoning it when South Carolina joins the majority in … They make good pets for kids because they have a calm nature and are relatively easy to care for.. 10. toucans. They can grow to be up to two feet long, so you'll need ample space for them to live in your home. Anyone who dreams of caring for an unusual or exotic pet may wonder if their dream pet is a possibility. 4 states have no laws on keeping dangerous wild animals as pets: Alabama, Nevada, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. Venomous snakes may be caught and kept, but again only if you have the correct permit.