The ant climbed the leaf and then came back to the bank of the river safely. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up onto it. The result? To drink the water, she climbed up on a small rock. Another day, when the ant was seeking food under that tree, it noticed that a hunter had aimed at the dove. I then ask them to think of character traits or descriptive words they would use to describe their characters if they were making a video of … The Mouse and the Ant (Grades 3-4) The Stew (Grades 3-5) The New Class Clown (The Monkey and the Camel) (Grades 3-5) The Mischievous Spider Monkey (Grades 3-5) One Good Turn Deserves Another (Grades 3-5) Never Trust a Friend Who Deserts You in a Pinch (Grades 3-5) Appearances Can Be Deceptive (Grades 3-5) The Frogs and the Fish (Grades 3-5) Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. A dove was sitting on the branch of the tree.She saw the ant drowning. An ant can lift 20 times its own body weight. So,the ant bit the man.He missed his aim. She looked up to the tree and thanked the dove. Once a man sold his well to a farmer. The Ant and the Grasshopper -- A Teacher’s Guide The Ant and the Grasshopper -- A Summary This classic Aesop fable, familiar to teachers and students alike, has been adapted by Kaleidoscope as an exploration of the artist’s role in society. If a second grader was as strong as an ant, she would be able to pick up a car! Ask students to “turn and talk” to a peer and discuss the story. The … The ant accidentally saved the dove because it did not know the bird-catcher would scare the dove away. Soon, the leaf drifted to dry ground, and the ant jumped out. The Ant and The Cricket The Ant and The Cricket : A fable is a story often with animals as characters that conveys a moral. In other words, do you tend to finish all your work, and then relax, or do you relax first and procrastinate about work? At once,the dove plucked a leaf from the tree and threw the leaf near the ant. Most of us, in fact, are somewhere in between. The ant climbed onto the leaf. After walking around for some time, she came near the river. So he dropped a leaf in front of the ant. While trying to […] Farmer’s Well & Witty Birbal. Have students read Aesop’s, The Ant and the Dove or show a brief clip on a video streaming site. The dove was likely doing the ant a favor, and the ant repaid her for it. On a hot day of summer, an ant was searching for some water. I read a little further and then stop and think to say I went too far because the Dove is not in the first verse. The Ant and The Dove. The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up onto it. Aesop's Fable: The Ant and the Dove. The grasshopper goes hungry. The dove dropped a leaf into the water, so that the ant could climb into it. The dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the river near the struggling ant. As it leaned over to take a drink it fell in and was quickly carried away by the river’s fast current. Soon, the leaf drifted to dry ground, and the ant jumped out. Ant Facts for Kids. Soon, it was almost drowning. When they are done I have some share aloud who the three main characters in the fable are? This premiere addresses A parched ant went down to the riverbank to quench its thirst. Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - The Dove And The Ant. I now have students read the fable The Dove and Ant in a quiet voice to their partners and to make mental pictures of the characters and events that are occurring in the fable.. The story, encapsulated: The ant works all summer in stocking the anthill with food. The grasshopper is lazy and enjoys himself. The ant feared that it might be its last. The Dove And The Ant. A dove sitting on a tree branch near the water plucked a leaf and let it fall into the river close to the ant. The dove did not know it. Neither the dove nor the ant saved each other on purpose; as animals and insects, they do not think before they act. The dove then carefully pulled the leaf out of the stream to the shore. Aesop's Fable (ESL) Lesson Plan - The Ant and the Dove Using a Wider Range of Vocabulary - ESL Lesson Plan Lesson and Activities Based on the Presidential Election One day,a hunter was trying to kill the dove. Thankfully, a kind dove saw the struggling ant. Feeling pity for the ant, the dove wanted to save the ant.