The Height of the Storm, currently celebrating its American premiere at the Samuel J. Friedman Theatre, courtesy of Manhattan Theatre Club, offers no flying broomsticks, no animatronic beasts — no puppets either. 'The Height of the Storm' is a bad play with two great actors working overtime to breathe life into a theatrical corpse that is dead on arrival. London definitely boasts more raw drama — for better or worse — than this latest The Height of the Storm Wyndham’s Theatre 9 October 2018 4 Stars Book Now. "Haunting" is a word critics overuse, but sometimes nothing else will do. Those familiar with Florian Zeller’s work, particularly his UK breakthrough The Father, will find echoes of his plays in The Height of the Storm. The Height Of The Storm Wyndham’s Theatre, London ★★★★ IT’S unusual during a short pause in a play for an audience to audibly question each other about what they have just seen. Reviews; September 24, 2019 6:00PM PT Broadway Review: ‘The Height of the Storm’ Jonathan Pryce and Eileen Atkins play an elderly husband and wife, one of whom might be dead. Perhaps it was unfortunate, but my cycle ride home was much more obviously dramatic than The Height of the Storm. Playwright Florian Zeller again writes a family drama with as much unsaid as said, as much ambiguity as clarity; that is, it feels like the real life of a real family at a crisis point.