The Blair Witch Project. The Blair Witch Project ends with Heather descending the stairs to the basement. : Why The Blair Witch Project still matters, 17 years after its debut 30 August 2016 | The AV Club; Blair Witch: Returning to a seminal horror franchise 28 July 2016 | … Several mysterious events over the course of centuries became blamed on an exiled woman named Elly Kedward, who was said to have practiced witchcraft. The Last Broadcast, on the other hand, had begun production six months earlier. Four Corners Of Fear. The Blair Witch Project debuted as an eight-minute segment on the US cable television show Split Screen in summer 1997. Great Job, Internet! While I love both films, The Last Broadcast was released when Ed was pretty much halfway through filming The Blair Witch Project, so it's pretty much impossible that the guys saw the movie during the writing of the film. Cashiers du Cinemart - Issue 9 - Ye Olde Bandwagon : The Blair Witch Project and The Last Broadcast By Skizz Cyzyk. DCIS. Comments. posted by Mael Oui at … CarreyFan23. Its pseudo-documentary structure had already been used in films like 1980’s Cannibal Holocaust and 1998’s The Last Broadcast . Like the erroneous comparisons that remain between The Sixth Sense and The Others, the two films share surface similarities, but the mechanisms that drive each are different. Even though Blair Witch was a trendsetter and game changer for cinematic horror, it was far from original. The duo enters the house, following Josh’s screams and … Nope, I don't believe that was the case. The Blair Witch Project was just unadorned raw footage of … I found The Last Broadcast to be a lot more interesting than Blair Witch, though that might have been because I knew one of the actors, and the filmmakers/filming was local. Mystic Occurrences. It has a twist ending guaranteed to send a chill or two down your spine. ... Blair Witch 2 didn’t completely rip off the murder tape reviewals at all *reeks of sarcasm* I would’ve let them get away with it if the second one hadn’t been such a … The Blair Witch Experience. She regrets messing around with the Blair Witch. The Blair Witch Project's ending finds Heather and Mike coming across what appears to be Rustin Parr’s abandoned house – which should be impossible since it was burned down following his execution in 1941. The Last Broadcast was a fake documentary that used raw footage of some people’s last days as a centerpiece. Heather is screaming his name but he doesn't turn around. As opposed to the very simplistic Blair Witch Project, The Last Broadcast is a very complex jigsaw puzzle with finely drawn characters, an excellent and wholly believable mystery, and an equally shocking, if not more satisfying, conclusion. The same with The Last Broadcast. Which kind of … The last brodcast VS Blair witch 2. Mike tells her that the Blair Witch had messed with her, not the other way around. Off The Beaten Path. It does indeed look as if Jupiter Jones has the answer as far as Blair Witch's inspiration. The Trial of Elly Kedward. Union Cemetery. Special Features. Last Broadcast, The (1998) History of Horror. The Blair Witch … The light at the end of the tunnel was finally beginning to show. The Basement. General Topics. The Last Broadcast (Stefan Avalos and Lance Weiler, 1998) The Last Broadcast would probably have slipped into obscurity were it not widely considered the film that inspired The Blair Witch Project.