Warriors of the Lost Empire Review. Warriors of the Lost Empire last edited by Kwama57 on 04/07/19 06:55PM View full history Set in an alternate timeline, the Egyptian city of Antinopolis has been overrun with thieves, vagabonds, monsters, mythical beasts, and the undead. Plus d'images et de vidéos Prenez part à des combats et à l'assaut d'une citadelle dans le style heroic fantasy avec ce titre de Mercury Games. An uninspired dungeon-crawler mired by boring, repetitive gameplay, and more design flaws than you can shake a gladius at. Warriors of the Lost Empire . The city became besieged by criminals and other worldly creatures, and now a special team of warriors have been tasked with investigating the lost city. Craft and bind items to create hundreds of unique combinations, including alchemic weapons and stat boosting armor and more. Au pays des jeux rébarbatifs et ennuyeux, Warriors of the Lost Empire a tout pour être roi. But, when Hadrianus mysteriously locked himself in the temple, the city dwellers began to flee. Hack'n Slash your way through catacombs filled with unspeakable horrors as you seek out the evil plaguing your kingdom. Warriors of the Lost Empire is an action RPG located in a fantasy land, built long ago by the great Emperor Hadrianus as a testament to his beautiful wife Antinos. www.pegi.info. Choose from … Warriors of the Lost Empire can't bring back the days of Wonder Bread or Freddy, but it can remind you how simple, addictive and fun the RPG genre can be -- even though the game is flawed. Description: Warriors of the Lost Empire is a Action RPG video game published by Mercury Games released on February 1, 2008 for the PSP.