Xylene is the only solvent that will reliably dissolve most polymers. The hardening process can take years, but it can be reversed before the rubber gets so brittle that it crumbles. Kerosene, diesel, and bleach doesn't work.? Regards, Clark Wrap the tires in foil until before the race. Pre-mixed softeners are heftily priced per gallon, and many racers use a gallon a week. Grip the rubber with a pair of salad or canning tongs and remove it from the water. Page 1 of 3 - Chemicals used to "treat" tires - posted in General Technical Info & Advice: I've been experimenting with different chemicals that either soften or firm up the rubber. For this reason, it's a sought-after commodity. I've done that to an old tire by doing a smoky burnout in a puddle of bleach. Afterwards tire cooled down, tire remained really soft and all kids of debris were sticking to it. This is often used in racing to get better traction. Moreover, the steel that helps tires maintain their shape can be recovered and recycled into new steel. Rubber alone does not have all the properties required in a good tire. Most tires made today are made out of rubber compounds made up of various chemicals mixed in with the rubber while it is still in liquid form. However, due to the nature of synthetic polymers, the correct rubber seal must be selected for certain chemical services. Next take the rags soaked in kerosene and wrap them around the tires. engineering in automobile industry contents 1.Tyres 2.Glass 3.Paint 4.Batteries 5.Fluids used Introduction 2.1 TIRES: Pneumatic tires are manufactured according to relatively standardized processes and machinery, in around 455 tire factories in the world. I can't. It will swell and soften the rubber if it is only wetted. Step 3. These tires also have some plastic in them due to being made as cheap as possible. The tires are vulcanized, which means they've been through a process that combines the rubber molecules with carbon and other elements to prevent them from oxidizing, or burning. How soft depends on how you treat and how long. At the same time, however, properly employed heat or oil can restore some softness to rubber objects, although it is a battle that will eventually be lost. Probably by oxidizing some of the sulfur from cross-links. Soak the tires in water first. However, tire manufacturers often use it as an additive, and recycled rubber is a common ingredient in rubberized asphalt, which is used to make new roadways, sidewalks and playground pads. Kerosene, diesel, and bleach doesn't work.? 5. What chemical can I use to soften rubber tires for racing. The chemicals used help give the tires the temperature … I think what David was asking about concerned tire makers treating foam rubber sheets to change the rubber's characteristics prior to punching out tire donuts to be used to manufacture finished tires. Bleach softens tires well.