What Do Tigers Eat? Occasionally, a pack of wild jungle dogs will kill a tiger in a fight over food, but the dogs do not attack the tiger in order to eat it. White tigers are big cats so they will not hesitate to take on bigger prey such as crocodiles, pythons, and sloth bears. In this article, we’ll explore the tiger hunting pattern and exact diet plan for each tiger type. White tigers do not exist in the wild. Although the white tiger is a good swimmer, it’s a very poor climber. - Where does a white tiger live? Depending upon what is available in a particular area, white tigers may also prey on smaller animals, such as fish and monkeys. Tigers are carnivores and in the wild will normally kill other animals to eat though they will steal food from other carnivores if the opportunity arises. In the wild - if there are any wild white tigers - they'll eat whenever they've made a kill. - Why are white tiger endangered? In captivity, they'll eat when they're fed. They eat the same as normal tigers do. These are little different than the Siberian tigers. :White tigers are the rarest among all tigers that are in existence. What Do White Tigers Eat. These are little different than the Siberian tigers. - Why are white tiger endangered? What Do White Tigers Eat ? In India, for a period of 100 years, less than 12 white tigers have been spotted. What Do Tigers Eat? White tigers do not occur naturally in the wild and, therefore, their diet must be created by their keepers. They all probably eat beef, chicken and fish. Learn what a white tiger is, where it came from, its physical features, size, speed, lifespan, diet, habitat, distribution, breeding, lifecycle, behavior, population, predators, history, origin and many interesting facts with pictures and videos. What do tigers eat? They are carnivores and most if not all of the vegetation they get comes from the inside of the animals they prey on. It's time to read what do white tigers eat. Whatever white tigers India has, are all under captivity in national parks or zoos. Depending on the size of the kill and how much was consumed it may be several more days before another kill is made. White tigers eat whatever their caretakers feed them. Tiger eat many other animals, but no other animals eat full-grown tigers. They are carnivores. White tigers can only be produced by creating a certain […] Complete set of white tiger facts for kids that will teach kids all about the white tigers. White tigers only exist in captivity. They eat the same as normal tigers do. White tigers do not exist in the wild. Tigers are one of the biggest cats on the planet. White tigers are not only incredibly quick and agile but they are also very capable swimmers, allowing them to breach boundaries such as rivers and moats. There are so many myths and misconceptions about white tigers. This allows them to easily feat on monkeys, wild cattle, deer, and birds. White tigers are white colored bengals, they are not albinos and they are not a separate subspecies of tigers. In the natural environment, the main food of white tigers is ungulate animals. These are little different than the Siberian tigers. Credit: Sharon Sipple/CC-BY 2.0 Tigers are carnivorous animals that eat a wide range of animals depending on the habitat of the tigers and the availability of food. In India, for a period of 100 years, less than 12 white tigers have been spotted. White tigers are produced through a controversial forced inbreeding process, which eliminates any chances of them becoming prey since they will most likely be raised in zoos or reserves for exhibition purposes. They are a subset of selectively bred Bengal tigers that currently only occur in captivity. White tigers are big cats so they will not hesitate to take on bigger prey or even potential predators such as crocodiles, pythons, and sloth bears. By nature, tigers are carnivores. Unlike other tigers in the wild, white tigers are not a naturally occurring species, but are a product of unnatural breeding practices. White tigers are carnivores and, in the wild, they often feed on large mammals, such as wild boar, buffalo and deer. it eat meat by hunting other animals. In the wild, the bulk of a tiger’s diet consists of the meat of large-bodied prey, which include moose, wild boar, deer species, buffaloes and horses. What do white tigers eat? - Where does a white tiger live? For a white tiger, it can be deer, wild boar, Indian sambar, etc. Whatever white tigers India has, are all under captivity in national parks or zoos. And if they're really lucky they might get horse. Sometimes it happens that the tiger can eat and unusual food for it in the form of monkeys, hares, pheasants, in some cases it can even be fish. A white tigers diet mainly consists of pig, cattle, other livestock and deer. White Tigers are true carnivores which means that they eat only meat. ; White tigers like all other cats have digestive tracts that cannot digest vegetation so they can only have a diet based on animal protein.