Most likely you are a white, Mexican-American. What race did your ancestors belong to? Hispanic or Latino: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. ( Yes and with pride ! ) what race am I if I am from Ecuador? ... if Mestizo is not the word to use to describe the race, what word is? In other words, Latinos can chose a race from white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander or Native American/Alaska Native — but not “Latino,” because it's not a race. For information about race and ethnicity classification, see: So what do you call this kind of person? So kind of dumb. Nope ( me ; then why are Yhu takinq this quiz ?!! ) People of Hispanic origin may be of any race. I'm white 6'5" and Mexican my race is withe, I'm Latin, Hispanic and Mexican. How hispanic are you ? Not like, 20% of EVERY choice!!! Lets also say that I ( a black guy from America) was actually born in Guatemala. A person born in the United States is an American (nationality). sigh. I think Hispanic, Latino, and Mexican-American are all fine. i was born in the USA and i am white, but the census clearly states that the classification for your nationality does not mean your race (therefore, me being white has nothing to do with anything). Ever wondered what ethnicity you could belong to? race, Hispanic origin, and ancestry information to find areas where groups may need special services and to plan and implement education, housing, health, and other programs that address these needs. Latin is for every country with a romance language as the official language. I'm told "Hispanic" is not a race. Nevertheless, they self-identify has hispanic/white... no test or certificate makes you a certain "race" we all share 99% of the same genetic material. If I am Mexican what is my race? Not Hispanic or Latino; More Information. 1 decade ago. Since I am half Mexican, my daughter is then one-quarter Mexican. That leaves a lot of important information out of the data. But this is actually an “apples versus oranges” comparison; the official definition used for Hispanics is a person from a “Spanish culture or origin regardless of race.” Answer Save. So, for example, I am Asian, born in China, and moved to American when I was pretty young. I understand Mexican is a nationality and anyone can be Mexican. My race is Asian, because, well, genetics. Interesting quiz, kind of dumb though, because it seems to be mostly based on things you like, which personality. First of all , ARE YOU HISPANIC ? And personality is down to the person, lees so the race. ( or of hispanic descent ? ) Hispanic and Latino aren't race so you can be any race and be Hispanic and Latino. Typically, Hispanics are described as the largest minority in the U.S. when compared with other racial groups, as seen in the chart above. Most people will assume you're likely mestizo from those terms. 11 Answers. Close. My ethnicity is Han Chinese, because that is the cultural tradition I was born into, like about a billion other people (literally). But you can be of any race… It helps to understand the differences in terminology. Is she considered Hispanic? I’ve researched this topic and answers always tend to be vague or confusing. For example, a school system might use this information to design cultural activities that reflect the diversity in their community. I am Australian, with 100% European Heritage, mostly English and German. In other words, Latinos can chose a race from white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander or Native American/Alaska Native — but not “Latino,” because it's not a race. Take this quiz to find out what ethnicity you are! Yep. Hispanics can choose one or more race categories, including White, Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian, and Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. 0 8 2. It has white and black and it has an option for Hispanic or Latino origin, and it says "check all that apply." Si y con orgullo :D ! Favorite Answer. The question asks about a person's race or origin, so they just put them together. The question asks about a person's race or origin, so they just put them together. 1. splmnscorpio. Title. i am wondering if i am considered Hispanic.