These aflatoxins can produce something called Aspergillus. can african grey eat cashews, can conures eat cashew nuts, can eclectus parrots have cashew nuts, can i give my parrot a raw cashew, can my africian grey eat raw cashews, can parrots eat cashews, cashews parrots, how many cashew nuts african grey, parrot cashew. They especially treasure the fruits of the African oil palm, tree native to their environment. They will clamber from branch to branch while feeding instead of flying. Technically nuts are a few different things. There is special African grey food that can be brought from pet shops. They can also eat fresh fruit and monkey nuts (in there shells). Parrots are highly social eaters -- they love to share a meal with human companions. Parrot Nuts. They can also eat fresh fruit and monkey nuts (in there shells). However, they can have a very bad effect on your parrot. Nuts such as pistachios in their shell are perfect for smaller parrot species, cockatiels, and even budgerigars. What should I feed my African grey parrot? Peanuts contain something called aflatoxins. Nuts are very palatable for most parrots. You cannot count on your parrot's natural instincts to guide his dietary choices. Product benefit: Now, before you become worried about eating the nuts yourself, they are perfectly safe for human consumption. These aflatoxins will not affect you. Some parrots, such as the Macaws, thrive on high-fat nuts and seeds, and will take great pleasure from extricating monkey nuts from their soft shells. Also there are loots of speacial treats that you cna buy. African grey parrots eat a variety of seeds, nuts, fruits, berries and vegetation in the wild. Nuts are a food that energize.They are oily kernels within a hard-shelled fruit. Click on a term to search for related topics. Email this Page. There is special African grey food that can be brought from pet shops. Also there are loots of speacial treats that you cna buy. However, they have high levels of fat and should therefore be offered as treats only, rather than as part of the basic diet. Yes they can but like all nuts do not give them many , say at intervals of 2-3 days, Nuts are very fattening to an African Grey and all other Parrots, so must be given in moderation or as a treat. Trouble is some foods eaten by humans are not good for parrots to eat. Display Modes: … Almonds and pistachios are fruits, peanuts are a legume and pine nuts and Brazil nuts are seeds. Other species can pile on the fat, though, and may even develop liver problems … Bulk macaw food ideas from Argires Snacks include the larger nuts like Brazil nuts and English walnuts. Larger parrot species such as cockatoos and African grey parrots enjoy eating larger nuts and almonds. Thread Tools: Show Printable Version.