Requires all pet owners to vaccinate (and keep current) their pets against the deadly rabies virus after four months of age. So please do not post an answer telling me to research my topic more. Unanswered Questions. Well, this ain't The Wizard of Oz and we don't know how they do it in Kansas, but in Texas, those three exotic animals, as well as 16 others, are prohibited from being owned privately as pets. Class C Misdemeanor with up to $300 fine. Disclaimer: The Texas State Law Library is unable to give legal advice, legal opinions or any interpretation of the law. I am interested in owning an exotic pet. Pet owners used to be allowed to own domesticated foxes in Virginia due to a loophole that was meant to make it legal for fur farmers, but this was reversed in 2017. Have you ever thought how cool it would be to be the owner of a lion, tiger or bear? Originally I wanted a skunk but have since learned they are illegal in Texas. PLEASE READ BEFORE ANSWERING. This e-book contains information on pet laws. Exotic pets are often misjudged and misunderstood, and misinformation is abundant. It is strongly recommended that you contact an attorney for advice specific to your situation. I've tried, but can't seem to find a correct listing anywhere. Why should an test charge be of negligibly smaller magnitude. E-books can be viewed by those who have signed up for a free library account with the State Law Library. Perhaps you've always wanted to own a pet monkey, or you're wondering whether it's legal for your neighbor to have that cougar in his backyard. Under these Texas statutes, no person may hunt, sell, buy or possess a live or dead bat, with exceptions. 2. Preferably something small. Unfortunately, legal exotic pet ownership is on the decline because it receives little support or cultural acceptance. A violation is a Class C misdemeanor. This process can be complicated since there are a variety of levels of government involved in animal regulation, laws change, and not … It is a class B misdemeanor to sell a living armadillo in Texas (with exceptions). How many words in kalma tayyaba. Are ferrets illegal in Texas? 1) Texas Rabies Control Act (Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 826). Fortunately for your curiosity, every state has exotic animal laws which allow, restrict, or prohibit ownership of certain types of animals. 1. Texas has a reputation as a state which places a high value on personal liberty, and it may come as no surprise that it is legal to own some interesting things in the Lone Star State. Not all of the pets that are illegal to keep in the United States are actually uncommon pets. Asking this question is the beginning of my research. Most exotic pets are illegal in California, and Hawaii has the strictest pet regulations because island ecosystems are the most prone to invasive species (ironically, one of their most prominent invasive species, the domesticated cat, is one of the few pets you can own there). The first step you should take when selecting a new exotic pet is to determine whether or not that pet is legal to own where you live. There are no pets that are illegal to have in Texas, as long as you have the required permit to keep one. It is a felony to possess, transport, receive, or release a live wolf in Texas (with exceptions). 3. Only Texas residents are eligible to … If you have questions about anything in this guide, please ask a librarian.