Its official name – Dinornis robustus – is translated as meaning “strange & robust bird.” The elephant bird, genus name Aepyornis, was the largest bird that ever lived, a 10-foot, 1,000-pound behemoth ratite (flightless, long-legged bird) that stomped across the island of Madagascar. Humans mostly, enviornment as well. Humans mostly, enviornment as well. Because you touch yourself at night. Of course, completely lacking wings the question has been asked “how did the moa get to the islands of New Zealand”. When Did It Go Extinct and Why? The Monk Seal was officially declared extinct in 2008, but the species hadn't been seen since 1952. /rimshot. Mammoths are the perfect animal the hunt if you are a bipedal animal with no fur, especially when its cold. May 13, 2012 May 13, 2012 envirohistorynz The previous post Prehistoric revelations of a Manawatu flood made me curious about other signs of … Seriously, though, I will stick with humans hunting them into extinction, or at least close enough that they eventually gave up the ghost themselves. Similarly, the phrase "to go the way of the dodo" means to become extinct or obsolete, to fall out of common usage or practice, or to become a thing of the past. Why did Moas go extinct? why did dinosaurs go extinct, ... the creatures living on Earth went extinct. The Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, which occurred approximately 66 million years ago at the end of the Cretaceous period, caused the extinction of all dinosaur groups except for the neornithine birds. Because you touch yourself at night. Mammoths offered humans meat for months, clothing and material for years and building materials. The Pava Aliblanca is a slender black bird with a black tipped beak and nine large white flight feathers at the ends of its wings. They are both extinct animals. Moa, any of several extinct ostrichlike flightless birds native to New Zealand that make up the order Dinornithiformes. more. Birds are still around, so avian dinosaurs did not go extinct, as for non avian dinosaurs, there is probably no certain way to know what died last. The dodo went extinct in the late 1600s. In 2008, the species was officially declared extinct in the United States after an exhaustive search for the seals which lasted for about five years. Giant Moa is an extinct bird that was discovered in the early 19 th century and was named by Richard Owen in 1843. DNA evidence suggests that moas are related to South American tinamous. About Giant Moa. What year did the giant moa go extinct? No extinction is as well documented as that of the New Zealand Moa (pronounced mo-ah). Steller’s sea … The evolutionary history of New Zealand's many extinct flightless moa has been re-written in the first comprehensive study of more than 260 … To go the way of the moa. The moa, whose DNA was reconstructed from the toe bone of a museum specimen, is one of the first extinct animals to have its genome mostly assembled. But enough of the Discovery Channel stuff, you’re reading this to find out how this sucker went extinct. What year did the giant moa go extinct? The Haast's eagle (Hieraaetus moorei, formerly called Harpagornis moorei) is an extinct species of eagle that once lived in the South Island of New Zealand, commonly accepted to be the pouakai of Maori legend. ... Why did the moa bird become extinct? /rimshot. It … Answer. Moa likely became extinct sometime between 1440-1445 AD, according to … They ranged in size from that of a turkey to larger than an ostrich; some stood as tall as 3 meters (10 feet). It is hard to know exactly when the last of New Zealand's iconic giant birds kicked the proverbial bucket, but new research has come up with the most accurate guess to date. They're large, flightless birds, easy prey for hunter-gatherers, with no defenses against an influx of new predators. Learn more about this bird with these 10 interesting facts. By Virginia Morell Mar. No extinction is as well documented as that of the New Zealand Moa (pronounced mo-ah). Thomas Swan. The last confirmed sighting of the Caribbean Monk Seal was in 1952 at Serranilla Bank, between Jamaica and Nicaragua. The Top 15 Most Beautiful Extinct Animals. Mammoths offered humans meat for months, clothing and material for years and building materials. Wiki User October 24, 2008 10:28PM. Physical Characteristics The outward color of Atlas bear was primarily brownish black, while the underpart was reddish orange. The species was the largest eagle known to have existed. Archaeologists now estimate that it took about a hundred years for the giant moa birds to go extinct after the Maori landed on New Zealand.