To thank me for my efforts, their blooms and buds promptly died and fell off. Mature orchids generally do well with a deep watering once a week with room temperature water. Cattleya orchid plants produce some of the brightest, most uniquely formed flowers in the orchid world. In fact, among orchid growers, Cattleya light has become a standard. To get orchids to bloom, make sure that they are in a location that receives indirect sunlight, such as in a south-facing window. Cattleya intermedia; Buy Cattleya Orchids. Cattleya orchid plants grow well in soilless media, such as bark and rocks or perlite, which mimics this natural growth habit. A Cattleya will not bloom on old pseudobulbs yet those pseudobulbs will provide strength for the plant. Make sure to water more often when Cattleyas are about to bloom, and throughout the blooming period. To make your orchid blooms last as long as they possibly can, there are a few things that you should do. Unfortunately, vanilla orchids cannot bloom until they are three years old. In many cases, this is important for the health of the plant and to encourage it to bloom well again, the following season. There are just a few details to learn regarding how to grow Cattleya orchids; but once you master those, you will have a lovely and long-term addition to your home. For me, Cattleya is quite challenging to grow even in a tropical place like my country, Philippines; even though we don’t experience snow here. The average home interior is perfect for growing Cattleya orchids. Light for Getting Orchids to Bloom. For a long period, a Cattleya corsage was a prerequisite for any special occasion and as a result the Cattleya has often been called the Queen of Orchids. Just imagine yourself successfully caring for the queen of orchids, the Cattleya. The Cattleya is a sympodial orchid which means that it grows pseudobulbs along a central horizontal rhizome. How to Grow Cattelya Orchids. When I first brought home my Cattleyas I set them close to the window where they could receive the most light. Cattleya orchids do well with a basic 20-20-20 fertilizer at quarter strength and a 10-10-10 fertilizer at half strength. They didn’t like the transition from the greenhouse to the window sill. Each year a Cattleya orchid will grow one or more new pseudobulbs from which the bloom for that season will come. Orchids are deceptive when it comes to light because the leaves of the plant can look healthy and green while, in fact, the orchid plant is getting too little light to truly thrive. Their stunning colors make them beloved jewels of the jungle. If yours is younger than three, it will not bloom and cannot be rushed. The Cattleya is a sympodial orchid which means that it grows pseudobulbs along a central horizontal rhizome. The first thing you should do is remember to water your orchid. Once Your Orchids Have Flowered Once your orchid has bloomed, the flowering stem (also know as 'scape' or 'spike') will usually need to be removed. They need a porous potting mix and should never sit in water. Orchid Bloom Times. I have dendrobiums and oncidiums and they bloom profusely, unlike Cattleya. Some orchids have been known to grow and even bloom for years without fertilizer, but a minimal, yet consistent weekly feeding will give your plant the nutrients it needs to thrive.